NASA's budget is less than .8 of one Percent of Obama's budget. Still think he knows what he is doing?

As you know, Mr. Economist, Barry Obama, has decided to counter balance his 14 trillion dollar spending fetish with a 3.5 million dollar fix.

In the latest polls
, the American voter is not opposed to all government programs. One of their favorites is the NASA Constellation program --- the controversial program that will put astronauts back in space. according to FoxNews, the budget for NASA (3.5 billion dollars) totals less than 1% of the Federal Obama budget. It is believed that the return on this particular expenditure is exceptional. Modern day fire retardant materials came from NASA programs. Much of our technical instrumentation (calculators, video game graphics) , advancements in the area of time travel, jet engineering and impact safety for auto and plane travel, have come out of the NASA program as well.

Obama has very little understanding for the importance of accumulative research or the years and years it would take to reconstitute this program if it is allowed to pass from the scene. Once again, the devastating aspects of Obama's immaturity rises to the surface. All you Palin haters know that she would not be making this decision. --- jds


1 comment:

  1. So you believe in the socialized space program... interesting...
