Here are ten benefits which come online within six months of the President's signature on the health care bill: (our notes are in green).
- Adult children may remain as dependents on their parents’ policy until their 26th birthday
- Children under age 19 may not be excluded for pre-existing conditions
- No more lifetime or annual caps on coverage
- Free preventative care for all - of course, this is not free. We all have to pay monthly premiums.
- Adults with pre-existing conditions may buy into a national high-risk pool until the exchanges come online. While these will not be cheap, they’re still better than total exclusion and get some benefit from a wider pool of insureds. Understand the use of the word "may." If they cannot afford to be in this high dollar pool and receive a specified amount of income, they will be denied this coverage because they will not qualify for this coverage.
- Small businesses will be entitled to a tax credit and 2010, which could be as much as 50% of what they pay for employees’ health insurance. A one time tax credit is not - by definition - a long term solution to the jobs deficit this country is facing. Part-time employees will be gone because of this legislation - certainly after the tax credits for 2010 come to an end.
- The “donut hole” closes for Medicare patients, making prescription medications more affordable for seniors. This disallows drug purchasing caps for seniors but does nothing to keep drug prices from becoming more and more expensive.
- Requirement that all insurers must post their balance sheets on the Internet and fully disclose administrative costs, executive compensation packages, and benefit payments.
- Authorizes early funding of community health centers in all 50 states (Bernie Sanders’ amendment). Community health centers provide primary, dental and vision services to people in the community, based on a sliding scale for payment according to ability to pay. It is here that abortions will begin to increase, once again via Federal funds.
- AND no more rescissions. Effective immediately, you can't lose your insurance because you get sick. Under this aspect of ObamaCare, you can pay a yearly fine for not having insurance and wait until the day a doctor informs you of some life-threatening disease, then apply and get full coverage for your illness. This provision, alone, will eventually send the cost of health care over the top.
In our community - half-rural and half-suburb -- 50 community health centers will receive funding to provide health and preventive services to people with no access right now. And that's just one benefit. They're all valuable.
Editor's notes: first, let us be clear about one thing -- the deep disappointment that is felt because of this Marxist victory is gone. That emotion has been replaced by a determination to recover this country from the hands of the diabolical Left. One news article cast the health care vote as the worst conservative defeat since the 1960's. Actually that is not true . . . . . . . . . . not true at all. The worst conservative defeat in modern American history is the election of Hussein Obama.
While many will see health care takeover as a victory, we remind ourselves that this piece of legislation took 13 months to culminate, somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 rewrites, the expense of $7 billion in bribes and closed door set-asides, and the unprincipled chaos of a legislative body (the Dems) prepared to do anything to get this bill passed through Congress including the thought of not voting on the bill but, rather, deeming it into existence. If Bart Stupak had not proven to be a phony plastic banana empty suit crony of Hussein Obama, the deeming strategy would have been the call of the day.
Look at the list above. Few of those items were ever an issue of the opposition. Item #8 is the most obscene of the ten items listed -- nothing whatsoever to brag about. That item, alone, spells the end to private insurance coverage, something Hussein promised would not happen. It must not be allowed to stand alone without correction.
Those of us blogging for the conservative cause need to record and track every statement (such as the above - Crooks and Liars is well named as a liberal blog) made, most of which will prove to be nothing short of lies and deception.
Understand that the good features of this Marxist take over will be at the center of the Dems 2010 campaign. "They" set this up so that the reform, itself, will not be the issue until two years after the next Presidential election. Tax collections will not go into effect (for the most part) until after the mid-terms and the reform structure itself will not go into effect until after the 2012 elections.
These Marxists intend to stay in power come the mid-term elections. They intend to re-elect their little water-boy and keep him in power long enough to tie "loose ends" and secure the banking fraud that is being orchestrated under the cover of darkness and deceit. As our readers know, TARP has been used to pass $23 trillion into the hands of whoever - the grandest theft of funds in world history and that is a fact. (Don't believe us - try a google search of "23 trillion - TARP " and our claim will be confirmed).
Understand that when we say "little water-boy," we do not make a racial slur, not at all. Rather, we reference our belief that Obama has no clue as to how he is being used by those who seek to hoard as much of the world's wealth as possible.
One final point; number 8, above, is what the next election will be about. If we cannot reverse this legislative vote, we can gut it of such anti-capitalist tyranny as the matters described in point 8. That can be reversed anytime.
-- jds.
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