Now they are going to purview all the years Trump has been in business looking for money laundering with the Russians.

Truth?  They have already decided he is guilty just like he is guilty of Collusion,  just like he is a secret Russian agent,  just like he came to D.C.  as the head of a large and illegal cabal subservient to  Russian association.  

Question:  Since when is it the work of Congress to investigate the private 40 year financial life of anyone?  The DemWittedOnes will argue,  "But he is the president."  Still,  when was the last time a sitting president's past life was ever investigated for criminality unrelated to the presidency?  

Answer:  It has never happen.

Conclusion:  This is not about protecting the nation,  or they would have thrown Hillary in jail.  This is not about protecting the nation or there would be an existing precident for this kind of crap.   

Don't look to this blog for coverage on this nonsense.  If I was going to cover all the lying frame jobs in politics,  I would not have time to do anything else,  so no coverage on this.  Look to this blog for the continuing accomplishments of Trump and election politics.  
Now,  back to the playoffs.  


  1. The corruption goes far far beyond . . . . .

    1. Virtually all lists maintained by the corrupt NY Times, contained accusations that must be adjudicated in a court(s) of law. The Democrats do not have the legal power or ability to pursue such charges. They simply cannot sort through the legalese of the Trump financial world . . . I mean, if they couldn't get Hillary on anything as obvious as her laundering money via speech revenues from Russia and where ever, they will never finish an "investigation" of Trump, an investigation, BTW, for which they have already drawn their conclusions. Just a bunch of pathetic losers and nothing more.

    2. The 2016 campaign and election took place on Barack Obama's watch, who was in full knowledge of the Russians efforts. Barack failed in his responsibilities, not Trump. Try to keep up, moron.

  2. A Trump-appointed federal judge on Monday defended special counsel Robert Mueller while delivering a scathing denunciation of a lawyer for a Russian company charged with meddling in the 2016 . . . . .

  3. Precisely my point. The Russians tried to influence the election but failed; spent as much money on Hillary as they did on anyone else, funded her anti-Trump campaign and was the source of the Steele Dossier's nonsense.

  4. "Russians tried to influence the election but failed"

    126 million people saw Russian propaganda, not to mention the money the Russians pumped into the GOP campaign and later the inauguration.

    The election was decided by 80,000 votes .... less than 1% of the people who viewed the propaganda had to be influenced to be successful. Every US intel agency acknowledged the Russian influence.

    If you think Trump was not aware of these actions, you're naive or in denial. That is what is called "Conspiracy Against the United States" by a sitting President, no less.

  5. . . . . The only reason the Kremlin would do this is if its hackers had already rigged those two states in Trump’s favor . . . . .

  6. All federal intel denied your fantasy above, two years ago . . . period.
