Of course she did. Also, you CANNOT be Sec of State without sending and receiveing classified emails. Its impossible. So, she was lying about that fact, as well.

BREAKING: Federal Court Orders Discovery Plan in 10 Days Whether Hillary’s Private Server an Intentional Attempt to Evade FOIA


  1. Hillary? A blatant pathetic distraction technique. Lock er up and be done with it.
    No one cares.

    At this point, anyone who thinks Trump is innocent and will finish his term is a 'dead ender'.... and it's only going to get worse. This is just the beginning.

    Just the tiny unredacted amounts of recent memos show Trump is guilty of a felony and was in contact with Manfort about conspiring with Russia DURING his presidency. Just imagine what all those redacted pages say.

    It says Smithson is a "DEAD ENDER" LOL

    Smithson: "nothing will happen"

    Just wait til January when the House subpoenas start flying.

    It's coming... on sooo many fronts: SDNY, Emoluments, Trump Org, Trump Foundation, Mueller...

    You'll be squirming like a dead ender.

    1. the House can investigate but has no power to bring Trump down . . . . no power at all. The House cannot indict, cannot prosecute, cannot "throw him out of office." Two years from now, the Federal Court system will be in good hands. And if the tax reform bill doubles child credits and the "standard deduction," Trump wins re-election.
