Here is what we have learned with this headline: Giuliani makes mistakes and nothing more. How do I know? Because there is NOTHING illegal about intending to build in Russia . . . . . nothing. Therefore, Trump/Giuliani had no reason to lie. Hence a "mistake."

Kate Sullivan / CNN: Trump signed letter of intent for Trump Tower Moscow project despite Giuliani insisting he didn't


  1. The Trump Organization will be shut down . . . . .

    1. Your comments have indicted maybe 15 people you now call "Trump's organization." The fact is this: except for two or three folks, there was no "organization." These people did not even know Trump before the foolishness of the Russian Hoax. So how come Barsack did not go after this spy syndicate? Could it be that there was no spy syndicate? Or maybe Obama was such a Dufus that he did not realize the importance of all this crap you people have invented.

  2. "I have nothing to do with Russia. Haven’t made a phone call to Russia in years. Don’t speak to people from Russia. I have nothing to do with Russia. To the best of my knowledge, no person that I deal with does." - Trump, Feb. 16, 2017

    Trump signs letter of intent for the Moscow project, Oct. 28, 2015.


    1. Caught ? Good grief. He had people working on a construction deal which is different from working to subvert the 2016 elections. He was given a letter of intent, worded by his lawyers, and he signed it. How is that the same as "talking to the Russians about subverting the elections? Answer, lol lol lol lol lol lol . Only an intellectual fool would make such an argument . . . . . . . . . . . . period.
