An open letter to those who are pretending this bomb event is all about Trump and his supporers.

The bomber has been on police radar since 1991, nearly three decades before Trump. He is a Southern Democrat who left that party with nowhere to go. His first bomb threat was in 2002, two decades before Trump.

Until this event, all previous bombers were radical Democrats: Ted Kosinski, the F.L.A.N, The Weathermen and Green Peace.

Biden talks about taking Trump out back and kicking his ass. Maxine Waters encourages folks to harass and drive Trump supporter off the streets and into hiding, telling them "You don't belong here anymore." Hillary refuses to be civil until she and her lackeys are back in power. Sharpton, Farrakhan, and BLM all threatened physical violence against the Right. And then you have killers (Bernie Sanders supporters) going to a ballpark, hoping to kill 15 -20 members of the GOP baseball team. Finally, there have been well over 100 threats on the lives of Trump, his wife his sons and their families. 

So go to hell pretending this is all about Trump.

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