A couple who did not believe that sheer evil exists, are murdered by ISIS .

Understand that Barack Obama also denied the existence of evil,  hence,  "extending a hand instead of a fist." He was an idealist to a fault,   believing that labels such as "evil,"  "enemy," "felon,"  Muslim hate groups,  and,  the like,  only foster resentment and retaliatory action.

The couple referenced in the following quote,  believed in the prevailing human spirit of "kindness."  Sadly they were caught riding through ISIS territory,  run down . . . .  
  . . . .  by a group of Muslims in a car,  and then,  stabbed/hacked to death.  Agnostics tend to believe in intrinsic goodness;  Christian are taught a more rationale consideration. 

“I don’t buy it. Evil is a make-believe concept we’ve invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans holding values and beliefs and perspectives different than our own—it’s easier to dismiss an opinion as abhorrent than strive to understand it. Badness exists, sure, but even that’s quite rare. By and large, humans are kind. Self-interested sometimes, myopic sometimes, but kind. Generous and wonderful and kind. No greater revelation has come from our journey than this.”