So this magnifient animal did not have the right live because this "hunter": was hungry?

I don't have a tweeter account because I do not like exchanging thoughts with the stupid people.  And before you get too childish, rhetorically speaking, know that hunting wild game is fine with me as long as you hunt with a sense of respect.  I do not think it "cool,"  however,  to kill for the sake of killing,  especially when the "game" is as magnificent as this black giraffe.  Species rarity should forbid the killing of such an animal.    You are not a bonifide hunter, IMO,  if you do not have respect for what not to kill.  A 4'x4' picture with a $300 frame would  . . . . .  look just as good on your trophy wall as whatever one does with a black giraffe hide or head. 


Huntress Tess Thompson Talley is standing her ground while facing backlash for shooting a black giraffe on a recent hunt in Africa.

Talley, who is from Kentucky, appeared in a post-hunt photo showing herself, her rifle, and the giraffe. The Sun reports that she captioned the photo, “Prayers for my once in a lifetime dream hunt came true today! Spotted this rare black giraffe bull and stalked him for quite a while. I knew it was the one.”
She added, “He was over 18 years old, 4,000 lbs and was blessed to be able to get 2,000 lbs of meat from him.”

Source:  Breitbart, here.