If a "fiscal year" is four consecutive quartes, Trump's economy is already at a 3.1 GDP rate and climbing.

Daily Wire:    The U.S. economy exploded in the second quarter of 2018, with the gross domestic product (GDP) climbing 4.1% — nearly doubling the first quarter, which was revised up to 2.2%.
The booming rate is the highest since the third quarter of 2014 and just the third-highest since the Great Recession began in 2008. The running four-quarter average is 3.1%, considered by economists to be a very strong number.

In Q2 of 2018, consumer spending grew 4%, while nonresidential business investment jumped 7.3%, both also considered strong numbers.

Editor:   The "running  four-quarter average" is the average for the most recent four quarters report, and,  a 3.1 average may be the highest average in a decade or more.   In other words,  Trump's pledge for a 3 to 4 percent GDP has already happened on the lower end (3%).  All Obama had to do in his last two years,  was to lower business taxes and reduce the regulator standards,  but this economy would have been his economy.  Period.  But he refused to give Big Business that consideration,  and "1.8% GDP" became his legacy for the entire 8 years of his administration.  

Update:  Correction:  4 of the past 5 quarters have average 3.3% or better. 

Barack was a "know it all" who only knew the wrong facts.  He was an ideologue who was wedded to a Nirvana dream that will never be a reality in this world  . . . .   not for free men who often do bad things.    He was a socialist dreamer,  with good intentions for the world but of a poor review for the United States of America.  He and other activist black or radical progressives,  blame our national capitalist foundations for much of the trouble in this world and all of our socalled "domestic plight."    He was wrong on all counts.  

Historically speaking,  he was an angry black activist whose time in office as relates to accomplishments benefiting "the people" is being erased (did it ever exist?) by a vulgar capitalist businessman who understands this evil world and is willing to work within its wicked perimeters.  "Extend a hand,  not a fist," (Barack Obama)  will never work in world full of evil men who do not share that same commitment. "Truth to power" is the only diplomatic policy that actually works,  and men like Trump are proving that to be the reality.