Benghazi military leader nails Hillary for her hypocrisy in criticizing Trump

Summary statement:  Hillary lied about the Benghazi event and was called for this over the weekend.

The irony of Hillary Clinton critiquing Trump’s lack of a strong defense of a U.S. ambassador was not lost on Benghazi survivor Kris Paronto. 

Kris Paronto [you see him on TV sunglasses commercials]  is a former U.S. Army Ranger and CIA security contractor who helped extract the body of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who lost his life when Islamic extremists raided
 . . .    his residence in Libya.    
In total, four American lives were lost in the attack, including two members of Paronto’s team.  

Paronto's tweet to Hillary
Paronto called Hillary “disgusting” for the comments. “Are you f*****g kidding me Hillary Clinton?!!!   You left Ambassador Stevens and us to die in Benghazi then spewed lie after lie to the family members of my dead teammates and to the world to cover it up and now you have the nerve to talk about defending diplomats?! You are disgusting!”