Derek Weida, a vet who lost a leg in Iraq, gets down and dirty with David "Know It All" Hog(g).

Editor: You can bet that the Parkland Punk,  David Hog(g) will continue his assault against women reporters.  Just know that this 17 year old child won't go anywhere near Derek  Weida.  Derek lost a leg defending our liberties;  Hogg will never make that same decision.  The brave versus the cowards of this world.

March 30 at 12:19pm ·
RANT: Accurate portrayal of me listening to David Hogg speak. Look, I’m sorry dude, sincerely. It is horrible... School shootings. That said, you have to watch what you say. I’m Derek, I got shot on a house raid in Iraq. My getting shot didn’t make me a professional on war, international relations, house raids (obviously🤷🏻‍♀️), or guns. This horrible thing happened to me but I didn’t come home and protest the war... Even though I do kinda have these feelings that Iraq was errr... Questionable. 😂 But it ain’t my place. I did my part. So, I empathize with you and your peers because whereas I signed up to be shot at, none of you did. (Not exactly sure you actually got shot AT but that’s not the point here). Now... Guns. Here’s my two cents: It’s not a gun problem, not a people problem, it’s a culture thing. Thing... Not problem. America loves guns. Accept that just like I had to accept that America loves God. Don’t ever be so quick to tell a whoooole lot of people how to live.

Fucking NOBODY wants school shootings, mass shootings, shootings of any kind where somebody ends up injured or dead. Nobody. But people want their guns. I’m actually kinda with the anti-gun folk. There’s no need BUT! I’ve learned that the way I live and the things I believe have nothing to do with how others want to live or what they want to believe. I’m a well regulated idealist. 🤗 The people you’re arguing against... It’s not even about the gun. It’s about the freedom and the right... And you can’t win an argument against that, nor should you (In most cases). The reality is humans gonna human and when humans human bad things happen sometimes but on the grand scale of things... Like 99.999% of people are good. Yes, let’s find ways to deter those .001% of people as best we can but they’re gonna accomplish their task regardless... Most likely.

I guess I just want to say don’t be so quick to talk. Don’t be so quick to think YOU are somehow the ONE person who has things figured out. You want to make a change? Cool!! But... Try to be less of a cunt about it.

Love and respect,


  1. "Tammy Duckworth – Army pilot who got in office on her lost legs; she is part of what is wrong with the US military " - JD Smithson

    Please document this "quote."

    1. What a deceiving sack of crap you are. I respect war heros. Its you and your party who hate the military. That is why YOU ALL sat on your hands while Barack decimated the military at all levels, taking us back to WW I strength.

      The Duckworth comments, was about the fact that she and other Democrats walked out of congress, refusing to hear the testimony of those involved in Benghazi. She can go to hell for that trick . . . . no hero in my book.
