Dems not thinking again. They want to protect Trump from himself. Why?

Alexander Bolton / The Hill: Schumer: It's time to vote on legislation protecting Mueller

 Dems not thinking again.  They want to protect Trump from himself.  Why?  

Think about this:  What would be the worst thing Trump could possibly do in terms of his immediate future.  Answer:  Fire Mueller.  I mean,  isn't that the conventional wisdom (as if Dems know anything about "wisdom")?  Look,  if the President fires Mueller,  folks "in the know" tell us that he (Trump) does not stop the investigation.  Which leads us to the question, "Other than seeking another headline,  why in the world are the Dems trying to prevent the firing?"  

Me?  I believe the Democrat response to the 2016 election is nothing short of treason.  The "Russian" complication was an Obama idea long before the election,  itself.  And the only provable Russian collusion centers itself around the Steele Dossier and the money spent by Hillary and the DNC.  

Never forget that the Dems are all about eradicating the political scene from all things conservative. They simply do not care about the 60 plus million folks voting for the president.  

This is exactly the end game of 1960's Russian government.  It was Nikita Kruschchev,  Russian Prime Minister from 1958 to 1964,  who promised that the United States would fall "from within."  Turns out the Dems are the end game of the Kruschchev threat.  Undeniable.  And Kruschchev's threat puts the modern day Democrat party politic into context.  

Now you know. 

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