Time for Sessions to go away.

Trump: “Why aren't Dem crimes under investigation?  Ask Jeff Sessions!”  —  Question: If all of the Russian meddling took place during the Obama Administration, right up to January 20th, why aren't they the subject of the investigation?  Why didn't Obama do something about the meddling?

Editor:  There is no more of a disappointment than Jeff Sessions.  I was genuinely excited about his appointment to the Attorney Generals office.  Now,  I realize that he is as big a nothing burger as any of us could imagine.   He should have told Trump before he was appointed,  that he would recuse himself,  rendering himself nearly useless.  Long past time for Sessions to step down.  He is an embarrassment.


  1. "Why didn't Obama do something about the meddling?"
    He did, he expelled dozens of Russians and shut down two facilities. The Russian Ambassador was outraged, called Michael Flynn while Obama was still in office. Flynn told him the new Trump administration would reverse the Obama actions, he told Putin not to respond. Putin didn't. We have a National Security Advisor to an incoming president under-cutting American sanctions for a Russian attack. The Trump administration takes the side of the Russians. TREASON.

    It's coming...

    1. Treason occurs when our president promises Putin that he (Barack) will be more flexible after the election. Trump honored the two facilities shut down, and added another three. Barack did not nothing until the end of his term. That is when he expelled the Russians, but for 6/7 years, he did nothing. He took out the missile defense systems in Poland and the New Czech Republic to please Putin. He did nothing when Putin invaded Crimea.
