Fake News story #387- James Mattis tells the troops that their president is failing them. (This was not even a good lie)


“You’re a great example of our country right now.  Our country, right now, it’s got problems that we don’t have in the military. You just hold the line until our country gets back to understanding and respecting each other and showing it.”

Anyone think the short version of Mattis comment,  above is, "The President is failing you?"  

Good grief.   

Update:   From Breitbart:

Pentagon officials say Defense Secretary Jim Mattis was not rebuking President Trump when he told troops last week during a visit to the Middle East to “hold the line,” but was referring to the need for civility in the U.S. — something he’s done multiple times in the past.

“The secretary’s remarks echoed the president’s remarks at Ft. Myers. The secretary has spoken about the need for civility in his Face the Nation interview, West Point, and a tribute to John Glenn,” said Pentagon Chief Spokesperson Dana White in an email to Breitbart News.
And Pentagon spokesman Army Col. Rob Manning told reporters on Monday: “When he referred to holding the line, what I interpreted from that was he was speaking to the stability that U.S. armed forces provides our nation.”  


  1. He's right. Who would want to be associated with Trump? Tillerson is distancing himself too.

    1. Try reading the update, OC/DC. I heard him make the statement and did not hear him criticizing the President. And, in fact, the Pentagon said, "It didn't happen." If things were as bad as you want to believe, why are Cohn and Tillerson still in the Administration, understanding that they are flaming Progressives and Trump is not?
