Fox provides equal time to the Left wing hysteria that passes for "news," these days. So, it is going to drop its slogan and . . . .

2:04 pm

Fox News Is Dropping Its ‘Fair & Balanced’ Slogan

Good for Fox.  If I want "fair and balanced,"  I will click back and forth between Fox and CNN.  All I care about is that Fox actually reports on the news of the day,  kind of like One America News does,  only with personality.  


  1. Good news.

    1. The cake is baked, Moron. After 4 investigations and 11 months of looking, its over. I really don't care what Mueller finds. Unless he can come up with a video of Trump meeting in an ally and taking secret orders from a Russian comrade (that is what you morons are trying to prove, right), I don't care. Firing Comey was more than justified . . . . no obstruction there.
