Fake News Story # 189: This regards the Trump business conglomerate.

Jacob Pramuk / CNBC: Trump companies don't always follow his ‘buy American, hire American’ pledge

 Apparently,  Jacob Pramuk, has no clue as to the difficulties of managing 536 separate companies.  As a pragmatic CEO,  Trump ran his businesses based on certain buying principles put in place by previous Administrations.  Nothing wrong with that.  

But,  as President,  his point of view is one that puts America first   . . . . .   an election theme that demands "America" come first in buying decisions and our pledge to hire Americans,  versus hiring illegal labor. 

What we have, here,  is another nothing-burger of a story from the halls of NBC News.  Understand that NBC is a dedicated anti-American news network,  one that puts business profit and global policies far ahead of what is good for the health and well being of this once great nation.