Looks like some of America's illegals are going to Canada. Maybe All Trump needs to do is talk about solving the problem.

WINNIPEG, Manitoba/BUFFALO, New York (Reuters) - Refugees in the United States fearing a worsening climate of xenophobia in the wake of a divisive U.S. presidential campaign are flocking to Canada in growing numbers.
Manitoba's Welcome Place refugee agency helped 91 claimants between Nov. 1 and Jan. 25 - more than the agency normally sees in a year. Most braved the freezing prairie winter to walk into Canada.
"We haven't had something before like this," said Maggie Yeboah, president of the Ghanaian Union of Manitoba, which has helped refugees get medical attention and housing. "We don't know what to do."
A temporary restraining order by a U.S. judge of President Donald Trump's executive order that blocked nationwide the implementation of key parts of the travel ban has provided a reprieve for refugees trying to come to the United States.
But Canadian advocacy organizations are bracing for a greater influx of asylum-seekers, driven in part by the contrast between the ruling Liberal government's acceptance of Syrian refugees in Canada with Trump's anti-foreigner rhetoric.


  1. Trump's Muslim ban is his prerogative. The definition of being a patriot is respecting America's system of separation of powers. Paul Begala, about the most anti-Trump person you will find, argued on CNN for Trump's right to impose the travel ban, because it is within his powers as President and a court can not decide that, only the President. THAT, Mr. Smithson is the definition of PATRIOT. Respecting presidential powers, despite party. Unfortunately, we do not see that same respect from Trump for the judiciary, or the truth.

    The public polls on Trumps Muslim ban have dropped 12 points in a month. Have at it.

    1. America agrees with Trump's Muslim temp ban, by a 49 - 41 percent margin. Go ahead and stick with CNN. The fact is, "We won." And when we are through, power will be returned to the people . . . . but, with a long way to go. Get used to it. If Trump and Pence go back to back, we are looking at 16 years. Lets see, that will make you 72 !!!!! Hell, you will have an aneurysm while training for the geriatrics national "Olympics." If not, what's next, wheelchairs followed fastest stroke victims and then, by "the fastest casket on wheels?"

  2. Spreading fake news again I see... per normal for you.
    The reality, all polls are in agreement, as are 100s of major corps and Universities.
    You're losing - least popular president in US history

    Travel Ban Polls -
    Gallup 42-55
    CNN 47-53
    CBS 45-51
    Quinipiac 46-51

    1. I was quoting IPS/Reuters with its 8 point advantage for Trump. Your polls are weighted heavily with Democrat, so who cares.

      As far as me losing, news flash: I already won.
