How do you fight the Commun-ist Left? Answer . . . . .

How do you fight the Commun-ist Left?  Answer:  For starters,  we need to stop pretending that we have traditional minded patriots on both sides of the aisle.  

Those who are working for a borderless world are not mistaken-but-fair-minded patriots.  Far from it.  GW Bush had moved into their camp with his support of the abortion pill and Affordable Housing and his refusal to shut down sanctuary cities.  

Understand this:  the blight on our Constitution that is "sanctuary cities," grew to the point of being out of control under Bush,  not under our wannabee Muslim President.  Bush knew what he was doing and we conservatives were complaining throughout the Bush years  . . . . .  at least from 2006.  

No.  We are not all "patriots."  And it is time to say it out loud.  We cannot defeat the enemy,  if we refuse to identify the enemy.  

Secondly,  with Trump in office,  we need to support his agenda as much as possible,  vote his GOP opposition out of office in 2018 and beyond,  and practice patience.  

I fully expect the recent Federal court reversals to be over-turned.  Maybe not.  But there is nothing for us on-lookers to do,  but be patient.   

Some are quick to point out that the judge who blocked Trump on a national scale was a Bush 43 appointee,  like that makes it "OK."  In reality,  it just shows how progressive Bush was.  Let's not forget that Chief Justice Roberts was a Bush appointee,  as well.  Thanks GW for NOTHING.   

So, there you have it.  Support a one party conservative system, while pretending to prefer a two party system   . . . . .   you know,  like the Democrats do,   and,   be patient.  If God is on our side,  and the Trump election coming out of "nowhere" seems to be evidence for that notion,  then we win.  If not,  the the Godless commun-ists will enslave us all,  take our children from us,  redistribute our money,  and continue to support those regimes that torture and rape and murder  (Hail to the Muslim Brotherhood,  CAIR, the Castro Brothers,  the New Black Panthers,  Al Sharpton's cop killing followers). 

See you on the light side of the moon.  


  1. I don't know if I fully agree, but I do see where you are coming from. People hide behind words as they pretend to be what they are not. Barack was a master at this kind of deceit. Certainly, we conservatives need to identify the opposition in both parties . . . . since the the likes Billy Kristols are no longer part of our coalition.

  2. Communist? Your asshole president just defended the communist thug Putin at the expense of America.

    O'Reilly: Putin is a killer.

    Trump: There's a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent?



    1. Seriously? anonymous comments coming from someone who spent the last 8 freaking years laughing at Ameria, defending an obvious radical Muslim agenda, supporting friendship with Iran and its quest to utterly destroy Israel. It is your side of the aisle that undermines our military, thinks flag burning is A. OK. and believes in supporting the Castro Brothers. You are nothing but a commun-ist in Obama clothing, a joke of spokesman for whatever the hell you actually believe.

      Want to bet that Russia does not become our new "best friend?" What do you say, punk? It is Obama who kissed up to Putin (tell Putin I will be more flexible after the election).

    2. Follow The Money:
      Exxon Mobil, under Rex Tillerson, brokered a deal with Russia in 2013 for 60 million acres of Russian land to pump oil out of, but all that Russian oil went through pipelines in the Ukraine, who heavily taxed the proceeds, and were applying for admission into NATO at the time.
      Putin subsequently invaded Ukraine in 2014, secured the routes to export the oil tax-free by sea, and took control of the port where their Black Sea Naval Fleet is based, by taking the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine by force and not giving it back. This was Hitler-tier imperialism that broke every international law in the free world.
      After Obama sanctioned Russia for the invasion, they could only pump oil from approximately 3 of those 60 million acres. But now Rex Tillerson is soon to be our Secretary of State, and as of today, there’s information circulating that Donald Trump will likely unilaterally remove all sanctions against Russia in the coming days or weeks.
      Putin will make half a trillion (500 Billion) dollars from that much untapped oil. All pumped tax-free through Crimea, stolen from Ukraine, now owned by Russia. Putin may have subverted our government just to become the richest man in the world.

      And you were the guy that once said, "If Trump thinks Putin is anything but a thugish killer, I will not vote for him." Now, Smithson is sucking up to Trump while he praises Putin and disparages America.

      Ronald Reagan is turning in his grave. You are a disgrace.

    3. At one time, I was very much against Trump. Where did I write that comment, btw?

      Why not let this play itself out. You have your panties in a bunch and Trump has been president for two whole weeks, and being deprived of his cabinet and staff thanks to the do nothing Democrats. Give hive him six months, then start your endless bitching.

    4. Yea, president for 2 whole weeks and he's already on vacation in FL.

      Putin poisons and murder his political enemies, jails journalists who speak against him - that is what a 'thug' does. Putin is a killer, war criminal, and a white supremacist, and if you're giving Trump a pass for citing some moral equivalency to America, you're more than delusional, you're treasonous.

      Not only did you write that comment above before you lost your principles, but you entitles a post with that very comment. Now you are a Putin/Trump suck up. Why? Because you share their white supremacist leanings and you're a weak authoritarian, fake christian who has no moral compass.

    5. Who says Trump does not believe that Putin is a thugish killer? Look my article, written back in 2015, proves my opposition to Trump, in the beginning of the GOP primary campaign. My first choice was Mike Pence. I don't know why you are quoting me against me, but it seems rather stupid, in view of the fact that primary campaigns are all about changing minds as the candidates are introduced to their voting constituency. I went from Pence to Rubio to Carly. And you? You stayed with the crook, Hillary Clinton. So what.

      You got me, Slyck. Now what's you gonna do?
