His boy was a hero/is a hero. The dad? Not so much.

This father lost is son on a mission in Yemen,  a few weeks ago.  He is angry at President Trump for the loss,  in spite of the fact that President Trump only granted the request to attack, but, did not call for attack, nor,  did he plan the assault. 

The father is a Democrat willing to use the death of his son to help "take down Trump."  It is that simple.  How do I know?  Well,  because that is what he is doing.    Last year, Owens (the Dad) went after Trump for criticizing the "Gold Star" father who criticized Trump at the DNC.  Like I said,  he is a Democrat.  

In 2011, Navy Seal Ryan Owens,  the son who lost his life recently,  was tasked with escorting the bodies of 17 of his fellow SEALS home following a CH-47 helicopter crash in Afghanistan.  Understand that this incident the greatest single disaster in Seal Team history.  As the helicopter came in for a landing,  it came under attack from forces on nearby roof tops.  Barack Obama ordered defending forces to "stand down" for fear of killing civilians, and,  the copter was shot down with 32 men on board.  Keep in mind,  that 12 weeks prior to this attack,  VP Biden had publicly identified "Navy Seal Team Six" as the special op force that killed Osama bin Laden.  Before Biden ran his mouth,  the Taliban did not know who was responsible for the death of Osama.  The CH-47 transport and its destruction was revenge for that event,  yet,  no complaints from the press or, in this case,  from the father of Ryan Owens.  

Sorry,  the Dad is a jerk.  What a shame   . . . . .   but he is no more a jerk than John McCain who used this incident to bash the President,  as well.  
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Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article135064074.html#storylink=cpy