Independents, Dems and Republicans join together hoping for a successful Trump candidacy and the man's favorability rating is at 51%.

The majority of voters want President-elect Donald Trump’s presidency to be successful, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports survey.

Seventy-three percent of all voters want Trump’s presidency to be successful, while 57 percent of Democrats want his presidency to be a success, according to Rasmussen Reports.


  1. The Anonymous email beginning with "Trump’s contrast with Obama in late 2008 is . . . . . " was deleted.

    The reason for the deletion includes the misinformation embedded within the post. His favorability rating is at 51%, not 43%. His cabinet selections have received universal approval, if not acclaim. And 53% of the nation believes he will do a good job as president.

  2. Yea right ...cherry pick the one highest poll you can find, Rasmussen - always republican leaning, ignore all the others. Typical disingenuous JDS.

    compare with

    1. So you have had 8 years of partisan polling results. You cherry pick like an illegal immigrant harvesting fruit. We won. You lost. And the country is going to look more like the Founding Fathers had in mind, than at any time under our Wannabee Muslim President.

  3. Legacy

    1. You do not understand the relationship of GDP to jobs creation. Read yoour own reference. The net job creation is 11 million, not 22 million (a number you have used before). Why the difference between 22 and 11 million, both numbers mentioned in your reference? Because there are as many if not more jobs lost in each month's reporting cycle. The Libs NEVER report that fact.

      Now, take the 11 million total and subtract the 8 million jobs lost during the 2008 recession and you have 3 million jobs created by Obama.

      "3 million" is in line with a pathetic 1.8% GDP Obama average. You cannot have a 22 million net jobs creation event when the GDP is at recessionary lows. Impossible.
