Speaking for myself, its too bad we can't have the election tomorrow.

Speaking for myself,  its too bad we can't have the election tomorrow. This past week through Thursday,  was the strongest week in this blog's history.  Folks were interested and considering their vote.  

But the weekend is here,  if you count Fridays  Morning attendance to this Review has fallen  from 3,000 at 3 a.m. (pt time) on average  to 638,  this morning.  Translation?  The American populace,  for most,  has made up its collective mind.  The remaining 17 days before election morning will be filled with battles fought "somewhere else,"  in  the so-called "battleground states," while the rest of the world gets back to personal pursuits and those endeavors that make for a full life  . . . . . .  "politics" not withstanding.  

Understand there is the Ruling Class and their stooges ( the worker bees in the Federal Government, especially) versus the rest of us.  The Ruling Class cannot win if "winning" is defined as a state of mind.  Understand that we need governance,  but not at the Federal level,  not at all   . . . .    not in terms of governance.

Central Planning was used to right the ship, in terms of national inequities.  But,  Central Planning has morphed into Central Control,  and that is objectionable for me.  Today,  it all about greed and control.  Go to hell.

Few participants get rich in state and local government.  But, a huge percentage within the Federal government  (talking about elected officials) become millionaires.  The Clinton's are the extreme example.  They came into the White House from Arkansas,  with no car,  no private property  (they never owned their own home prior to the presidency).  And,  today they are filthy rich BECAUSE of their political stardom.  Their acquired wealth is not typical,  but the fact that they joined the rich and famous the day they became members of the Federal government,  is both typical and undeniable.  I don't mind "rich and famous."  I hate that those same people when they think they must order my life.  

I still counsel young people disturbed about their sexuality.  I have a shotgun that is not registered and will never be.  I pay folks who work for me, and I pay them "under the table," feeling justified in doing so because I have already paid Central Control,  taxes on the dollars I use to pay others.  I teach my children/grandchildren, to not participate in the accepted filth of today's social economy  (represented by the Howard Sterns, Kathy Griffens,  Madonnas, Miley Cyrus' and other Hollywood type whores making it big off  lust and greed) without being judgmental concerning the average joe trying to make sense of his/her life (and lifestyles).  

Midknight Review is nearing its time for closure.  I have spent the past eight years doing what I could to advance the ideals of the self-governed.  I was betrayed by most within that sphere  of endeavor,  folks who I believed were partners.  Trump is the visible result of that betrayal.  The Democrat Party,  was my first betrayal, years ago.  And now,  folks like me,  who really care about this country and the associated freedoms upon which it was built,  are left with next to nothing.  You will never hear me speak of the greatness of this nation, again.  Don't get me wrong,  the idea was beyond great,  but those who would pervert the ideals of our Founders, aided by a thoroughly corrupted media,  have all the tools they need to take this country wherever they will.  

I have more than enough to do in this life,  other than paying attention to politics.  And the time for those interests is just around the corner.  

I will vote this election,  but then, it is in the hands of the Commun-ists.  Just know,  I will be free, prosperous on my own terms,  and,  aggressively independent, fully believing no one can stop me in those efforts.  Understand this,  I am not free because you are free.  I am free because I am truly free.  After all,  freedom and happiness are truly a state of mind.  


  1. good, give it up. you should. being on the wrong side of history sucks and you know it, that is what this post is about.

    smithson is defeated

    1. Politics is a dynamic game we play. Neither winning or losing are ever final.
