Now that the debates are over, family and friends have turned off the radio and television.

Now that the debates are over,  family and friends have turned off the radio and television.  We already know who we are going to vote for,  "poor choice" aside.  They have hope but only because "papa" is a political freak and part of the family.  

I tell them this: 

A.  Obama is the worst thing to happen to America, ever  . . . .  and he is on his way out.  So things are going to improve.  Our nation will be more responsive,  militarily.  Israel and our traditional allies will be safer. 

B.  Brexit won with absolutely nothing but bad polling news after bad polling news in the rear view mirror,  and it won by 5 points when the dust had settled a victory that celebrated a 10 point swing in the 12 hours before the vote. 

C.  Not a single poll in the nation,  saw the 1994 GOP sweep of the House and the Senate,  coming.  Yet, it inexplicably happened. 

D.  The midterm in 2014,  a remarkable 100 year defeat for the Dems,  was without polling prediction.  The polls did not predict this historic landslide outcome.  In fact,  there was talk of Pelosi taking back her speakership.  

I am telling folks to wait until November 9,  before making any decisions about moving to the hills.  Never forget,  these last days are about the Dems effort to repress the GOP/Conservative vote.  Do not fall for their phony surveys and outright lies about the campaign.  Just say no.

' nuff said. 


  1. Commander in Chief

    1. Well, I will admit that "back in the day," she was a babe. She doen't get enough recognition for that. Her husband's extreme sex addiction doesn't help, either.

  2. Another lie.
    The polls consistently indicated that there was a very real chance that Britain would vote to leave. Polling averages even showed “Leave” with a lead for most of the last month; over all, 17 of the 35 surveys conducted in June showed the Leave side with the edge, while just 15 showed Remain ahead.

    1. Maybe you should try doing a little research rather looking for Left Wing sites that agree with what you wnat to prove. Go to

      The fact is clear: "leave" was expected to fail. YouGov had the referendum failing 53 to 48. Try to keep up or loosen your shorts a bit.
