As the FBI reopens its email investigation and before Hillary's plane lands for a campaign appearance, CNN/MSNBC are making these comments.

"Hillary's plane has no WiFi,  so they only finding out about this as they land Cedar Rapids, Iowa."  (no one has a cell phone?).

"I don't know the effect on Hillary's campaign,  but this is very bad news for Hillary."  (if this is bad news,  we all know the effect of this announcement.  Will it defeat her.  Maybe we don't know that,  but this is a disaster for the campaign  . . . . . .  that we know.)

"This shows what a flawed candidate Hillary Clinton is."  ('nuff said on that score).   
MSNBC:  We are having a hard time getting ahold of Hillary's people.  

Andrea Mitchell was asked by a MSNBC  "Do you think this Comey trying to save face?"  Her answer was a qualified "no."

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