Louis Farrakhan goes after Barack Obama for his legacy of having done nothing for the American black man. Comments just in time for the election.

From the Blaze:   Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan tore into President Barack Obama over the weekend, saying the outgoing commander in chief has favored Israel and the gay community while sidelining African-Americans.
The controversial minister criticized Obama during a sermon Sunday. Farrakhan said the president’s legacy is not with the Affordable Care Act, but is instead “in the street with your suffering people,” describing the crime-ridden culture in Chicago, Obama’s hometown.  

“If you can’t go and see about them [talking about Obama's black constituency], then don’t worry about your legacy,” Farrakhan charged. “‘Cause the white people that you served so well — they’ll preserve your legacy  . . . the hell they well.” 

Related update:
From Brietbart:  Louis Farrakhan said to President Barack Obama, “Your people are suffering and dying in the streets,” of Chicago, so “you failed to do what should have been done.”


  1. The reason unarmed blacks are being shot is because of fear. White police fear blacks... like Smithson who fears a large blackman will soon have him by the throat.

    We're coming for you.

  2. first, you're not black and the last man on earth I fear is you. Second, there are 19.300 cities in the United States and no more than 20 have some kind of police issue FROM TIME TO TIME. In other words, there is no "national" problem. Its all local with 95% of the nation's cities having no problem at all. Try to keep up.
