They talk about the greatness of an America they just spent 8 years trashing. And their convention stage proves their true feelings.

 The truth of the matter is this:  the Democrat party,  on the street,  sees the American flag as a symbol of oppression and the Founders of this once great nation as little more than white, European slave traders.  

Proof of this fact is the absence of the flag on the stage of the Democrat convention.  Talk about European slave traders,  these clowns want the same autocratic/socialist system on display in the European E. U., today. 


  1. Why is it that the party who controls congress and most governors complains the most about the direction of America - while they have their hands on the steering wheel?

    1. I will bet that you have no idea how I would answer this question, in spite of the OBVIOUS fact Obama is the one with the steering wheel in his hands. Good grief. Try finishing high school before trying your hand at political debate.

    2. Such a hypocrite... you give the GOP congress the credit for success during the Clinton era.

    3. wrong, if you mean, by your comment, that I exclude Bill Clinton's contribution. He signed the bills sent to him by the GOP congress. Barack tried to run his presidency by ignoring congress. Big difference.
