Why the current rebellion on the Left and the Right? Here is an important reason for the mess in which we find ourselves.

Sanders: JPMorgan Chase, and virtually every other major bank in this country. Let me be very clear, all right? I believe that we can and should move to what Pope Francis calls a moral economy.
Right now, there are still millions of people in this country who are suffering the results of the greed, recklessness and illegal behavior on Wall Street. And when you have companies like Goldman Sachs and many other major banks reaching settlements with the United States government, as you're aware, for many billions of dollars, this is an implicit admission that they have engaged in illegal activity.

Editor's note:  Folks in this country are not suffering because of the greed of Wall Street.  Rather,  their plight is due to both lack of education, and, 21st century related job training.  The blue collar industrial revolution is over.  In its place is the High Tech Revolution and it is here and now.  The uneducated will never be a part of this growing world of high tech advances and job placement  . . . . . .   never.  They have been left behind for the nation to care for  . . .   a permanent welfare class at no real fault of their own.  These folks have "failed" because society and the educated class first failed them.  Bernie Sanders,  as a representative man,  failed them.     Now,  where our inner cities may have issues related to funding,  the problem with education is much more an issue of competence within the teaching core of inner city schools AND social pressures that are unique to the violence and social collapse within the Inner City communities.  

Secondly,  it was the Bernie Sanders of this world who demanded "every American deserves to own their own home."   It was this demand  that was the root cause of the 2008 financial collapse.  It was "Affordable Housing" and the federal (read "Progressives') demand for high risk lending and sub-prime mortgages that brought the house down,  in September of 2008.  

May wife and I did not have our money tied up in Wall Street.  We are retired with a good retirement income.    The collapse,  quite honestly, did not effect us at all for those reasons,  But we have younger friends,  folks who have no "high tech" training,  who are still in the job market,  and are having a very difficult time.  They are scared and have no where to go.  Certainly,  the political class has no immediate solutions,  only the same old tired rhetoric that has benefitted no one but the money grubbing politicians who pretend to be the "ambassadors of the middle class."  While Obama has done more physical and real time harm to the working poor than any president in my memory,  still,  it would be wrong to blame him more than the others,  or,  pretend that these problems did not exist before he came along.  He is just another sorry politicians, getting rich off his failed ideas,  pretending to care about the Earth while completely ignoring the here-and-now needs of the Constituency.  And,  as a consequence,  we have the rebellion of the Millennials on the Left,  and the Trump supporters on the Right.

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