Nevada: Trump with 46%, Rubio at 25% and Cruz at 21.3 with 20% of precincts reporting.

"But despite the hype, Rubio still failed to beat Donald Trump."  So says Cruz who,  at the time his campaign released this statement,  was running 5 points behind Rubio.  And the folks over at CNN are now admitting that Trump could (?) pull off a victory against Hillary. 

Read more:

Update (Wednesday morning):  And now,  it is final:  Cruz came in third,  lost the evangelical vote by a huge margin,  lost the Hispanic vote,  and has proven himself to be a unsavory choice for the nomination.  Couple this with his third place "victory" in S Carolina,  a state in which he did not win a single county and lost, big time,  in the evangelical north part of that state,  and you have the functional end of his candidacy.  

Update #2:  Old attendance record for the Nevada Caucus was 44,000.  Yesterday ?  More than 70,000 !!  Tell me that the GOP base is not ready to vote in the coming election,  enough so as to scare the fire out of the Democrat leadership.  


  1. "I love the poorly educated" - D. Trump

    1. Readership: Anonymous has begun her criticism of the GOP heir apparent. And what does she start with? As trivial a comment as she can imagine and she got her talking point from CNN, who, began their critique with Trump's victory speech in which he praised the highly educated and the poorly educated. Absolutely nothing wrong with the comment. If he had said, "the uneducated," the criticism would be more justified but, still, trivial by comparison. On the other hand, Hillary cannot say "No," when asked if she has ever lied to the American people.

      Look, is there dirt on Trump? Oh, you betcha. But Hillary and her horn-dog husband have piles and piles of dirt, and almost all of it is found in the arena we know as "the political."
