Proof positve of Obama's record setting unpopularity as a governor of this once great nation:

Under Mr. Obama, Democrats have lost 13 net Senate seats, 69 House seats, 11 governorships (down to 17 from a high of 28), a whopping 913 state legislature seats and 30 state legislature chambers, according to analysis from the Washington Post.  A total of more than 4,000 state, local and agency seats have "flipped" to the GOP since the first days of Obama.  The power shift has been mind-boggling and, yet,  the mainstream media does not appear to be aware of this on-going disaster that is Obama, Hussein.

This does not happen to a party or a president who legislates per the will of the people.  There is something critically wrong with polling results that give Obama high marks for popularity while costing his party a greater loss of political power than any Democrat president American history. The election in 1920 (after Woodrow Wilson's two terms) saw the Republicans win with 60% of the popular vote to 34% for the Dems,  the worse percentage loss for the Dems   . . .    ever.  But no Democrat has taken his party from super-majorities in both houses of Congress to where the Democrat Party is today.  

In 2009,  I wrote on more than one occasion,  that Obama might be the worse thing to ever happen to the Democrat Party.  Turns out I was right   . . . . .   even before the coming election with Hillary.  


  1. Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Proof positve of Obama's record setting unpopulari...":

    1. We've now had 69 straight months of economic expansion.

    That’s right: For sixty-five consecutive months, the US economy has gotten progressively better. That includes fifty-six consecutive months of private sector job growth. Forbes magazine (which is no fan of President Obama) crunched the numbers and demonstrated how the economic recovery under President Obama has been better in just about every measurable way than the recovery under President Reagan.
    Source: Obama Out-Performs Reagan on Jobs, Growth, and Investing; Forbesmagazine.

    Just to be clear: GDP under Obama averages 1.7%. Tghe 4th Q for 2015 was adjusted down to 1.4%Your logic finds you saying, "If growth was just a their of one percent, that is growth and the US is doing fine under Obama. ~ editor

    2. We are currently enjoying the longest period of private sector job creation in American history.

    This statistic also comes from the Forbes magazine article listed above. In fact, we've enjoyed 67 straight months of private sector job creation. That is the longest period of job creation since the Department of Labor has been keeping statistics.
    Source: Obama’s Claim That Businesses Are in the "Longest Uninterrupted Stretch of Job Creation": The Washington Post.

    Notes: Hourly wages are down; poverty levels are up; food stamp population has doubled in size; the work week has been set at around 33 hours, with record folks on part-time income and the work-force participation rate is at a 40 year low. That's nearly 11 million people willing and able to work but have given up finding some of those jobs you brag about. ~editor.

    3. Unemployment has dropped from 10.1% in October of 2009 to 5% by Fall of 2015.

    Note: When you don't count 11 million folks wanting and able to work, of course the "unemployment rate" is low. !editor

    Not only has the unemployment rate dropped significantly, but since the recession ended, the US economy has gained over twelve million new jobs. (You can refer to the Forbes article above or check the article below.)
    Source: Democratic Presidents Bring It: Obama Shatters Clinton’s Record For Private Sector Job Growth: PoliticusUsa.

    It is also worth noting that during the 2012 presidential election, Obama's opponent, Mitt Romney, promised to lower the unemployment rate to 6% by the end of 2016. President Obama succeeded at lowering unemployment to under 6% two full years earlier than Romney had promised.

  2. Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Proof positve of Obama's record setting unpopulari...":

    4. The stock market continues to set new record highs since President Obama took office.

    Notes: Maybwe you should read up on Market News. Besides, you libs hate The Street . . . you know, that which represents dirty, old capitalism. ~ editor

    Since early 2009, there has been a steady upward trend in stock market growth. The Dow Jones Industrial averages reached an all-time high of 18,292 in May, 2015. Since most Americans have 401K retirement investments in the stock market, this growth benefits millions of middle class Americans.
    Source: Dow Jones Industrial Average Last 10 Years: Macrotrends.

    Notes: The Dow closed at 16,300, today.
    Try to keep up. ~ Editor.

    5. The Federal budget deficit is shrinking. It’s been reduced by two-thirds since 2009.

    The $1.4 trillion federal budget deficit that Obama inherited in 2009 was in a large part due to the high rate of unemployment. When millions of people were put out of work in 2008 and 2009, it resulted in far less income taxes and less economic activity to generate federal revenue. As ten million people have regained employment, there have been billions more tax dollars generated. As a result, the deficit has been shrinking each year. The 2014 deficit was below $500 billion, the smallest deficit since 2007, and roughly a third of what it was in 2009.
    Source: What is the Deficit?:

    Notes: Nonsense. Obama has average 950 billion dollars in deficits per year with five years well over 1 trillion per year. He has increased taxes more than any president in human history and nobodies tax rate is going down. In fact, Social Security was cut, under Obama, about $500 per year, on average, for two consecutive years. None of this was given back to the senior citizen investor, costing the senior investor about $20,000 over a a lifetime . . . . . all of that cash, lost and gone forever. ~editor.

    6. Under President Obama, government spending has increased only 3.3% annually, the lowest rate since Eisenhower was president.

    You may have heard critics say that President Obama is spending money wildly and running up our debt. According to this article from Forbes, Obama has increased spending by 1.4% annually, far less than President Reagan (8.7%) or George W. Bush (8.1%). According to a more recent article from the Washington Post, Obama has increased spending 3.3% annually. In either case, Obama has increased spending less than any president since Eisenhower.
    Sources: Who Is the Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama? Forbes magazine.
    The Facts About the Growth of Spending Under Obama: Washington Post.

    Notes: Kind of silly, really. Bush average deficit was $400 billion compared to Obama's 900 billion. ~ editor.

  3. 7. For 95% of American taxpayers, income taxes are as low or lower than they were at almost any point in the last 50 years.

    After President Obama took office, thousands of Tea Party members all over the country held rallies protesting Obama’s tax increases. At that time, President Obama had actually passed several tax cuts to stimulate the economy. Most of the Tea Partiers who were protesting had only seen their taxes decrease under Obama, yet polls indicated that most Tea Party members wrongly believed their taxes had gone up.
    In fact, the only people whose income taxes have gone up during Obama’s presidency are those making $400,000 per year or more. That's less than 2% of the population. Today, for the vast majority of people, tax rates are lower than or exactly where they were when Obama first took office. The article below from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities explains this in greater detail.
    Source: Federal Income Taxes on Middle-Income Families Remain Near Historic Lows, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

    Notes: A preposterous lie. I pay more in taxes than I did 7 years ago, and my Social Security investment payback was cut $600 during the course of two consecutive years (2010,2011) casting me and every Social Security recipient around 6,000 . Multiply that cut times 73 million, and that is size of the rip-off handed to the Senior community by Obama. ~ editor

    8. Dependence on foreign oil has shrunk due to record domestic oil production and improved fuel efficiency standards.

    While some claim that oil production has declined under President Obama, the truth is just the opposite. Oil production has reached record highs. The United States now produces so much oil that we export more oil and gasoline than we import.
    Source: IndexMundi.

    Notes: Oil production has increased because of the private investor, no thanks to Obama. Understand the he intended for the price of fossil fuels to go "sky high," forcing "we the people" to buy those silly electric automobiles. ~ editor
    9. At least 10 million more Americans now have health insurance than before.

    Depending on whose numbers you use, anywhere from 10 to 16 million Americans acquired health insurance due to the Affordable Care Act. Now that those millions of Americans have insurance, the rest of us are no longer on the hook to pay for their healthcare when they get sick. This saves the American people billions of dollars in the long run.
    Source: Obamacare Helped Up to 10 Million Get Insurance, Gallup Finds: NBC News.

    10. The Affordable Care Act has added years to the life of Medicare.

    The Medicare trust fund had been on course to run out of money by the end of 2016. But due to cost savings from the Affordable Care Act and lower healthcare expenses, Medicare’s trust fund will now remain stable until the year 2030 without cutting benefits.
    Source: Medicare, Social Security Disability Fund Headed in Different Directions;The Wall Street Journal.

    Notes: more crap statistics. Medicare has a 47 trillion dollar unfunded . . unfunded, I say . . . . . liability. Obama was to be fully implemented by now, but only has around 13 or 14 million million policies instead of the 190 million policies it was to have, by now. ~ editor.
