General Election predictions have been wrong "for ever."

Jan. 1, 1960: If Democrats nominate the very young, Catholic John F. Kennedy, they will throw the election away.  I am a Kennedy Democrat and a Reagan Independent.   Too bad that distinction is  extinct.
1964: President Lyndon B. Johnson, a “Southern conservative,” could be opposed by a Northern liberal in the primaries.    But he was JFK's Vice President and won the sympathy vote.
1968: LBJ’s got a tough fight, but he’s the favorite for reelection.  Nixon won.
1972: President Richard Nixon is losing to several top Democrats in the polls; Vietnam could sink a second president.  Although very unpopular,  Nixon won reelection.
1976: Jimmy Who?   I worked for his election.  Sorry.
1980: If President Jimmy Carter can “whip Ted Kennedy’s ass” in the primaries, he’ll surely defeat far-right Ronald Reagan in the fall.  Reagan won big time.
1984: Reagan, called a “failed president” after a deep recession and little progress in foreign policy, looks to be the sixth consecutive president to leave office early. But the nation was recovering from the Carter Recession and Reagan won in a historic landslide. 
1988: Vice President George H.W. Bush is a wimp. He’s drawn major GOP opponents, and the electorate seems ready to switch back to the Democrats.  Of course,  he won election.
1992: No way can President Bush, the liberator of Kuwait, lose to some scandal-drenched hick from Arkansas.   "Read my lips"  and Ross Perot  ended Bush 41's re-election bid and gave us Bill Clinton.
1996: Ever since the 1994 GOP landslide, it’s preordained that President Bill Clinton will be a one-termer.   Wrong. 
2000: Clinton escaped ouster over the Lewinsky scandal, but it’ll ensure no third term for Democrats. Plus, Vice President Al Gore is a dud on the trail. George W. Bush will win easily.  Gore won the popular vote but lost the Electoral College. 
2004: With solid leads in the polls and Gore’s endorsement, how is anyone going to stop Howard Dean?   He lost the nomination to the traitor,  John Kerry who lost the election to the patriot,  GW Bush.
2008: It’s Hillary Clinton for the Democrats, of course. John McCain’s got no shot at the Republican nomination, that’s for sure.   "Ted Cruz will ruin the GOP, if nominated !!!"   . . .    but McCain beat him to the punch in 2008.  His moronic campaign gave the Dems  their most powerful majority in modern history. 
2012: The economy is weak and President Barack Obama is very vulnerable. Republicans take to saying, “Even my dog could beat him.”   And Establishment Republicans lost yet another General Election. 
2016: It’s Hillary Clinton for the Democrats, of course. The Republican finalists will be Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.  . . . . . . . . .    and we have to wait and see the end game, here. 

Source:  Thanks to The Crystal Ball for the timeline. 

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