Bloomberg thinks he is an American icon. I hope he runs.

Editorial notes:  Kind of a silly rhetorical fantasy.   Bloomberg is as close to being a commie as Bernie and would take vote count from Hillary.  His rhetoric is much closer to Hillary's than any Republican.    He would not garner 10% of the popular vote  (he is "popular" only in his own eyes and New York City) and zero percent of the electoral vote  . . . . . .   all good for the GOP nominee.  Not sure why this article appears in the Weekly Standard.

The Weekly Standard:  
Billionaire Michael Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York, commissioned a poll in December “testing how he would fare against Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton, according to two sources close to Mr. Bloomberg,” the New York Times reports.
Bloomberg would have the resources to launch an expensive third-party run, but a hypothetical Bloomberg candidacy against Trump and Clinton still wouldn’t offer mainstream Republicans any appealing options. Bloomberg was a longtime Democrat before he became a Republican in 2001 to run for mayor. In 2007, he left the Republican party and registered as an independent, but he has remained consistently liberal on a wide range of issues, including guns, abortion, and immigration. “Clinton vs. Trump vs. Bloomberg would finally give America a diverse range of NY-based oligarchs to choose from,” Times reporter Alex Burns quipped on Twitter.

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