Our President versus the President of France:

Our President refuses to utter "Islamic Radicals" or any variation of that term;  he refuses to admit that we are at war with ISIS;  he refuses to allow our Airforce to bomb within  the city limits of Raqqa  ("Raw-ka") in norther Iraq  (guess where ISIS holds its offices and strategy centers);  he refuses to intensify our attacks against the enemy,  flying only 7 effective strikes,  daily   . . . .    kind of a joke of an air campaign when you know that during the Kuwaiti invasion/war,  we were flying 800 effective sorties per day.  

He just held a ridiculous and combative press conference,  in France,  at the same time President Hollande of France,  was holding a meeting with France's political body,  declaring that "we are at war with ISIS," and reporting a police attack against 168 domestic/ISIS locations within France,  arresting more than 100 suspected terrorist.

Sad.  ISIS is at war with the US.  ISIS is at war with France  (and all of Europe).  And France recognizes it is at war with ISIS   . . . . . . .   but,  the U.S.  is not at war with anyone.  


  1. These are what American values are, why we fight ISIS.

    1. The above CNN reference has this quote:
      "When I hear folks say that maybe we should just admit the Christians and not the Muslims (refugees), when I hear political leaders suggesting that there would be a religious test for which person who's fleeing from a war-torn country is admitted, when some of those folks themselves come from families who benefited from protection when they were fleeing political persecution, that's shameful. That's not American," Obama said, raising his voice."

      I hhear no "religious test, except for the fact that if these Syrians are Christian, they are prettty much ignored in total.

      The problem we have to deal with is that of an invading Islamic army using refugee status to gain entry into our communities. Rubio's parents, named in this article, came over via Ellis Island and went through a process. That is not the case for any of the 10,000 coming here from Syria. Do they need protections? Of course. But the day we are demonized for saying, "Wait until we can prove who you are and where you are from," we have lost the ability to protect ourselves and our families from the face of evil in ISIS. The debate is that simple and Obama loses that debate because he will not honestly deal with problem of security. James Comey, FBI Director and others, tell us we cannot vett these people because we have no verifiable paperwork.

      Now, unless you think Comey is a teaparty patriot, I suggest you shut the hell up and listen, for a change.

  2. “When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.
    Matthew 25:35

    “‘Cursed be anyone who perverts the justice due to the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’
    Zechariah 7:9-10

    Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
    Ezekiel 47:22

    Under the Refugee Act of 1980, President Obama has explicit statutory authorization to accept foreign refugees into the United States.

    1. Your last comment is true. But sense your side does not believe in the rule of law, I say, "So what?"

      Secondly, your scripture quotes, scripture that you do not hold to be authoritarian, btw, are part of the law God ("God," in whom you do not believe) gave to the Jews (Jews, whom you hate). At no time was the Old Testament Law to be considered universal law. It did not apply to the world outside of Jerusalem and it does not apply today to the United States.

      And, again, no one is anti-Syrian immigrant, per se. The problem is found in the fact that we cannot vett these people.

    2. Beyond belief, for any intelligent critically thinking and open minded person.


    3. Anonymous uses scripture to make a point (in an earlier comment, above) and, now, turns to a denial of those same scriptures. Good grief. I went to the suggested site and left the following comment In the future, please try to say on point.

      My response to the hyper-linked article: "Mark's alleged omission of the resurrection proves absolutely nothing. Because I did not say something, cannot be used to argue that "something" does not or did not exist. And to frame Christians in terms of a shallow esoteric class of mindless disciples bent on specific parsitic behavior as defined by the practice of "evangelism" (as Bob Spencer does) is to ignore his own (Spencer) brand of feigned intellectual supremacy as he bites and devours (as a hungry parsite might do) his opposition."

      The reader will have to go to the article's site ad read Spencer's intellectually self-serving comment.

  3. This failed neocon ideology, which gave us ISIS, is the same ideology that thought we could win in Vietnam by 'wiping them out'.

    1. So easy to use buzzwords (i.e. "neocons") rather than talk or write intelligently. As far as Viet Nam is concerned, it was the Democrats who took us into that war, so what is your comparative point as to "ideology."

      There is no one on the patriotic side of this debate (you being a Marxist sympathizer) who thinks that "victory" is a final or static reality, but we can cut these bastards down from an army of 180,000 with training camps, storage/ammo depots, access to social media, and access/use of military equipment. Since Obama began his campaign against ISIS, they have moved into 9 countries, own the borders in southern Syria, Lebanon/Iraq, own Yemen and Libya, bombings in Beirut (40 dead this past week), 40,000 Christians slaughtered in Iraq/Sryia, major attacks in France, upwards of 30,000 terrorists across Europe due to its open-borders policy, increasing oil revenues, and, as I have written, an army that has grown for 10,000 two years ago, back when they were the JV team, to 180,000 and more than 1250 active terrorists living in and moving around the United States.

      Your comments have no impact in a discussion centered around "What do we do now?" Grow up and get with the adult discussion regarding the threat of terrorism.

  4. insightful commentary from Fox News

    1. I am no fan of Bourbon Boy, Shep Smith, but this video commentary is excellent.
