41 just ended Jeb's candidacy.

Just in time for the next CNN/GOP debate,  a few weeks from now: Bush 41 has decided that now is a good time to speak out against the failings of his son's (Bush 43) inner circle,  specifically Cheney and Rumsfield. 

Imagine that next debate as Jeb desperately tries to invigorate his campaign.  He will be forced to deny or defend his brother against his own father.  

Understand that 41 never criticizes Bill Clinton or Barack Obama.  Whatever.  

If you do not like Jeb as a candidate,  you should write his father a "thank you " note as you celebrate Jeb! 's collapse.  


George HW Bush / Guardian:   ‘Iron-ass’ Cheney and ‘arrogant’ Rumsfeld damaged America, says George Bush Sr


  1. Bush 41 once again proves he is the last Bush who had a brain.

    1. He writes a book that will doom his son's candidacy and you think that proves "he has a brain??????" Good grief.
