Re: Oregon mass murder: Another angry atheist. We should ban gun sales to antheists; they have no moral reason not to kill.

BTW,  there is no gun law that would have prevented the Roseburg murders,  Obama's silly pretense at anger,  aside.  Understand the college campus was a "gun free zone,"  and had only one security officer.  Of course,  he was unarmed (this is Oregon,  one of the most liberal states in the Union),  which raises the question,  "Why the hell did the college bother with an unarmed security guard, at all."   

There were 50 shooting events in Chicago,  over the past weekend,  yet,  Obama ignored that fact altogether,  for the sake of making a shameful political  speech about the need for control,  this afternoon. Of course,  he offers no solutions,  but talk.
The fact of the matter is this:  There is nothing we can do about such realities.  Time to grieve and, then,  we move on.  There are no alternatives.


  1. An online profile, linked to Harper-Mercer’s email address and featuring a photo of him, says the 26-year-old identifies his views as “conservative, republican”

    Another right wing terrorist who loves him some guns

    1. This is not a partisan event. No mass shootings, in our schools, of the past 30 years have been partisan.

      Secondly, he is an anti-Christian (you know, like Obama and Valarie Jarrett and Michelle Obama and Cas Sunstein and Anita Dunn). People who hate people are criminals, not healthy voting Americans. Try to remember that next time you start quoting a sick man's opinion about himself.
