Fact: Our schools (mass shootings and all) are the safest places to be, if you are a child or teenager.

(From The Hill):  Vice President Biden says the community college shooting in Oregon that left 10 dead and at least seven wounded Thursday is a consequence of the “dysfunction” in Washington.
“Part of the dysfunction of our political system today is that there’s an overwhelming consensus in America on two things: the Second Amendment and sane gun legislation relating to background checks,” Biden said at the Concordia Summit in New York City on Thursday. 
“  . . . . .   the Second Amendment doesn’t say you can own a bazooka, it doesn’t say you can own an F-15 with hellfire missiles. There’s the ability of government to limit the type of weapon that is available.”
Editor's notes:  Biden speaks out on gun control before knowing any of the facts of the Roseburg killings   . . . .   just following the lead of his president.  
In his comments,  he makes it clear that acceptance of the 2nd Amendment is dysfunctional.  Secondly,  he fantasizes that if Central Planning had legislative power to control gun ownership,  there would be no gun violence in this country.  Third,  he has no idea with the shooter had passed a background check.  Fourth,  as to limiting the type of guns one can own,  the shooter had one long rifle and three hand guns.  It does not appear the murderer used the rifle.  Finally,  our campuses are safe places.  
Since 1990,  there have been 143 school shooting,  many involving the shooting of a single student or adult.  160 fatalities resulted from those shootings, or, six deaths per year,  on average.  (see the article, here).  Compare this to 5,000 gangbanger shooltings each year for 15 years;  well over 50,000 teen deaths due to auto accidents,  have been recorded since 1990; 390 children drown each year or 9700 child drownings since 1990.  

Conclusion:  Let's stop with this nonsense that our schools are unsafe for our children.  "School" is one of the safest places to be,  if you are a child or teenager  . . . . . .    period. 


  1. Another right wing terrorist:
    Harper-Mercer’s social media profile identifies his views as “conservative, republican”

    1. How ignorant are you? Seriously. For starters, he is a mass murderer. Sounds more like a union thug, or Occupy or Chaos or Louis Farrakhan or Sharpton's call for a race war or the Uni-bomber.

      Secondly, he identified Christians, and shot them in the head. Non-Christians were shot in the legs. No conservative ideologue would ever do such a thing.

      But the biggest problem with your conclusion is this: first, Harper-Mercer's profiling is driven by partisanship and everyone knows it; AND, they are demonstrably wrong (assuming you understand the word "demonstrably").

    2. Oh yea, I forgot, conservatives own Jesus. You can't be a conservative without religion.

      And once again, who are the gun fetishists like this guy? The liberals?

    3. Oh yea, I forgot, conservatives own Jesus. You can't be a conservative without religion. --- Actually, you can't be GOP conservative and kill folks who claim the name of Jesus. But how would you know, my infidel friend?

      "And once again, who are the gun fetishists like this guy? The liberals?"

      Who do you think the New Black Panthers vote for, or Al Sharpton, or Black Lives Matters or Occupy, or Louis Farrakhan or the Uni-bomber, or the union thugs, or our domestic/environmental terrorists.

  2. Every major news source has identified the shooter as a self proclaimed conservative republican ... except for one. Guess which one? "The most trusted" news source?

    1. Just another of your profoundly stupid lies. I listened to CNN all day, yesterday . . . . not a word about this guy being a Republican. Like I have said, if this punk killed people because they were Christians, and he did, he is no conservative Republican . . . . . . OBVIOUSLY . . . . . and this is the last time I will post your comments to the contrary.
