It wasn't the worst war in human history, but it may have been the most significant . . . and to think that if Obama had been president, back then, he would have labled Hitler, "JV," and kept our troops home.

Where would the world be,  today,  without the United States of America?  And the world still needs our country to be the strongest leader in the free world  . . . . .   period. 

I count at least least six men,  dead in the water within seconds of getting off the troop carrier and more than a dozen,  lying dead at the water's edge.  A terrible day,  but necessary   . . . . .  something that Flower Power does not understand.  We landed in Europe on June 6 and ended the war in Europe,  15 months later on September 2, 1945. 


  1. Even Rumsfeld finally admits Bush was wrong about invading Iraq.

    In an interview with British newspaper The Times, Donald Rumsfeld, the former US defence secretary, conceded that trying to replace the tyranny of Saddam Hussein with a democracy was unrealistic.


    Maybe you should have thought about that before you created ISIS.

    1. Obama admitted that Bush won the war in Iraq. That is the reason he gave for pulling every single troop our of Iraq, remember?
