Two thoughts about this headline: Democrats' Billionaire Sugar Daddy Challenges Koch Brothers To A Debate

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Two thoughts about this headline:  Democrats' Billionaire Sugar Daddy Challenges Koch Brothers To A Debate.  

The first is this:  no one in the so-called  "major media."  ran or printed this story.  The inference is obvious: No one on the Progressive side cares about Steyer's challenge.   

A second thought is my response,  for what it is worth:  "Steyer debating a Koch brother should not happen before Obama accepts the debate challenge from Sarah Palin."  

Chicken is as chicken does.   

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  1. Palin debating Obama would be like a creationist debating a scientist. No intelligent discussion can come from an unintelligent, unscientific, uneducated perspective. Inane.

  2. So, now your are a psychic, besides just being a psycho? Look, if you are right, Obama has every reason to take up her challenge. Think about it: she is one of the primary influences in the teaparty movement. Cut off the head, and the whole body dies. So, take her on, destroy her on national TV (you would have a record viewing audience) and totally defeat the conservative wing of the political process.

    Your man will not do this because of fear, plain and simply. There is simply no other reason to avoid this war of words. You win. My side is not only defeated, it becomes the laughing stock of the nation.

    Anyone with a brain knows she held her own, quite well, against Joe Biden and far far more qualified, today, to speak and defend her mind, that in 2008.

    Palin . . . . Uneducated? I think this comment is more than humorous. Obama got into college because of preference, and no other reason. How do I know? Well, he, himself, told the nation that he did drugs and drank "enthusiastically" the last two years of high school. Entrance level grades (for college), in the life of a stoner, is a fantasy. He did coke, happy weed and booze.

    I read a paper written by Michelle while she was at Princeton. 8th grade conceptualization.

    And her husband's grades were/are so poor, that his high school and college transcripts have been closed to public view. He has written no peer reviewed papers, lied about being the "editor" of the Harvard Law Review, and did not record or publish any of his class lectures. As an "expert on the Constitution," the man NEVER offered a single lecture outside the classroom nor had authored a single paragraph of "scholarship" on the subject ( of the Constitution) .

    In fact, he only taught "summer school" as a "professor" during his 12 years at the U of Chicago. So How does a stoner get into Harvard? Simple (if you take advantage of helpful "black preference" programs): Get yourself enrolled into Occidental College, a school for community minded organizers, with an enrollment of hundreds, not thousands (at the time of his attendance). When he entered this very small school, Occidental was ranked below 108th in the nation. By the end of his year 2nd year at Occidental, he “qualified” for entrance into Columbia, despite his C/B grade averages and a professor’s criticism that he needed to work harder. After Occidental, Obama's grades continued to be so poor, that they remain hidden from public scrutiny, to this day.

    Keep in mind that his speeches have been rated at an 8th and 9th grade level. He is the ONLY PRESIDENT in American history, to author presidential budget proposals so poorly written as to get only 2 votes in four legislative efforts. His budgets in the Senate received a 0 - 97 vote and a 0 - 99 vote total in each of two years. In the House, his budgets received a vote of 0 - 414 and, just this past spring, a 2 - 413 vote total. Just how UNEDUCATED and grammatically inept does a president have to be to score such a remarkably failed record.

    So "debate?" Bring it on !!! The truth is this, Palin would mop the floor with this genius.

  3. "...the 12 minute speech Sarah Palin gave to the NRA convention is awful. It’s just witless, red-meat blathering, delivered in that nasal whine of hers that makes it sound like she’s chewing wads of tinfoil. For people who like this sort of thing, this is the sort of thing they like." - The American Conservative

    Yep, she's your girl... just your speed.

  4. Just another reason demanding that Obama take her challenge, schedule a debate, and, thoroughly discredit her, and all that she stands for. Put up or shut up. I mean, there is no way your Messiah loses, right? I mean, what with his ability to write and think out a budget proposal or pronounce the word "corps" or threaten Putin with another tweet campaign.

    She does "screetch," by the way.

  5. "Not only is this woman, putatively a Christian, praising torture, but she is comparing it to a holy sacrament of the Christian faith. It’s disgusting — but even more disgusting, those NRA members, many of whom are no doubt Christians, cheered wildly for her. Palin and all those who cheered her sacrilegious jibe ought to be ashamed of themselves. For us Christians, baptism is the entry into new life. Palin invoked it to celebrate torture. Even if you don’t believe that waterboarding is torture, surely you agree that it should not be compared to baptism, and that such a comparison should be laughed at. What does it say about the character of a person that they could make that joking comparison, and that so many people would cheer for it. Nothing good — and nothing that does honor to the cause of Jesus Christ." - American Conservative

    Palin an ignorant hypocrite that will screech about anything to get attention... This is the person Smithson worships so much he dedicated a blog to her.

    That should tell you a bit about Smithson.

  6. Yes, that's me. Still, you have given us, yet, another reason to schedule that debate, and destroy the conservative movement, before its gets a chance to kick butt, this coming November.
