Definition: Shell game - saying one thing while doing something different with a view to fooling to those are watching.
Millennials care about their personal liberties as expressed, especially, in their use and access to the world wide web. Obama and the Democrats have lost major ground with this generation. That explains the following headlines at Memeorandum:
Spencer Ackerman / Guardian:
Obama to set out proposal to end NSA's mass collection of phone data — Administration plan would require NSA to seek a court order to search phone records held by telecoms companies — The Obama administration is to set out how it proposes to end the mass collection of Americans' phone call data …
White House plan would end NSA's bulk collection of Americans' phone data
Discussion: Hot Air and Marginal REVOLUTION
Discussion: Guardian and Liberaland
More from the Editor: What will not work, for Obama, is this latest detraction. On the one hand, he is proposing to reel in the NSA, a very different point of view, btw, from the Obama of just two months ago. Understand that the NSA's surveillance program is not nearly the threat as is the transfer of the power of the internet to an unnamed, entity of the world, outside our borders, something even Bill Clinton, the WSJ, and the NY Times oppose. Given time, it is hoped that Millennials will understand they are watching another shell game, of Obama's.
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