Obama's foreign policy record: An accounting of Obama's failed sense of diplomatic "strategy," including an embarrassing loss in Afghanistan.

He began a 10 day Hawaiian vacation on the same weekend Iran fired up their first nuclear centrifuges and has continued a do-nothing response to Iran’s nuclear threat.  He touts the “strongest sanctions” ever,  but cannot admit that these sanctions have not deterred Iran’s march to nuclear power.  He has sat on his hands while the power base of the Middle East has radically changed.  

He ignored the cry for help in Iran’s “green revolution,” Muslim Iranian youth begging for help from Obama.  He chose to do nothing and lost the support of that population,  in the doing.

He backed-stabbed Egypt’s Mubarak and sent that nation into a revolutionary downturn,  the impact of which remains very much in doubt.   While Mubarak was evil, what has replaced his rule is no better.  And worse,  the current Muslim Brother is not at inclined to honor the ongoing Carter-inspired treaty that has preserved the peace between Israel and the Muslim world. 

He ran into Libya to protect the people of Libya from a genocide.  150 people were killed,  so Obama sent arms and supported the assassination of Omar Gadaffi.  He even bragged about a “30 response time,”  comparing his supposed decisiveness to Bush’s “costly indecision.”   The ensuing rebellion has left Libya without an effective governance and those arms Obama left in that country,  were stolen by the Muslim jihadist in the region.  Ambassador Steven and his three military friends,  were murdered because of Obama’s lie to our country,  a lie that repeated the mantra,  “Osama in Laden is dead and Al Qaeda is on the run.” 

He has fully retreated from Iraq, opening the door for an Iraq/Iran alliance that cannot be good the cause of freedom or the continued existence of Israel.  Clearly,  Obama does not give a damn about either.

In contrast to his “urgent desire” to “save” the people in Libya,  Obama has sat on his hands for more than two years,  watching more than 90,000 Syrians killed in a war that has devolved into a battle between  jerk water Muslims on one hand,  and an evil Muslim regime, on the other hand.  

He has lost the war in Afghanistan and now intends to pretend a victory as he works for a “negotiated peace” with a Taliban that,  only yesterday  (June 19),  murdered four of our soldiers.  Some 1,500 American soldiers have died,  all but 400 under his feckless command  -  wasted lives in support of a wasted war-time policy.  This is perhaps the biggest foreign policy scandal in American history. 

As to North Korea: can anyone think of one negotiated success?  ‘Nough said. 
The reset policy with Russia is a huge failure and his much talked about “START” treaty will not be approved by the American congress. 

His reception of the Chinese President and his wife,  was a monumental failure.  It included Michelle Obama’s refusal to greet the Chinese first Lady – one of the most idiotic displays of diplomatic ignorance of all time.

The Boston Globe talks about Obama’s failed foreign policy, here:   http://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2012/11/01/podium-foreign/m2ySLoVTeKFe4HolFpvmLM/story.html    (Nov 1, 2012)

On April 3,2013, the Left leaning Foreign Policy.com, carried this headlined story:  Why Obama Failed in the Middle East.  http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2013/04/02/Why_Obama_Has_Failed_in_the_Middle_East

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