Obama gives an argument against religious education, especially Christian education.

In front of an audience of about 2,000 young people, including many Catholics, Obama claimed that Catholic education divides people and blocks peace, according to the Scottish Catholic Observer.

“If towns remain divided—if Catholics have their schools and buildings and Protestants have theirs, if we can’t see ourselves in one another and fear or resentment are allowed to harden—that too encourages division and discourages cooperation,” Obama said.

Editor's notes:  Just for a moment,  forget that this article speaks of "Catholic" education,  and understand that this secular atheist opposes religion at its very roots  -  education.  He sees the home school movement as a religious tool,  divisive in its own right,  fostering anti-communal values.  

If Obama were to remain in power,  if,  somehow,  he manipulated the system and became this nation's first dictator,  can you imagine the totality of his agression?  

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