An observant citizen captures the essence of the Obama Default.

ncpg   (a citizen making a comment on The Hill.  I thought this was well written and on target in the most precise way.)

Obama is lacking in emotional maturity, likely a result of his dysfunctional childhood. He is defined by a sense of entitlement, rage and contempt when he doesn't get his way, and the inability to feel empathy for those who aren't like him. Thin skinned and volatile in an instant. 

A lack of the capacity for introspection (but that could be any Leftist) is his greatest character defect.

He’s a spoiled child who was adored by a Communist Hippie Mother who eventually abandoned him. All he had left were invented memories of an absentee Communist father. 

Unfortunately, the two loving grandparents who raised him are a footnote to his life.

Editor's notes:  I would add this,  minus the upbringing,  Michelle's emotional self could be defined using many of the same words.  When you stop talking,  in the face of a heckler,  announce in a stern voice,  "I don't do this well,"  leave the podium to go nose to nose with that heckler,  well,  that is classless crap that speaks to Michelle,  the "Special One."  

These two actually believe that they know best,  and the rest of us are just along for the ride.  Geeeesh.  

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