The Daily Kos in denial: this time, it implicitly objects to the chareacterization of the "60's as time for the reign of draft dodgers and the like.

DFH alert:

Voucher schools in Louisiana and Indiana are using a “US History” textbook in their eighth grade classes that teaches that the “hippies” of the 1960s were draft dodgers who were rude, didn’t bathe, and worshipped Satan. (The Daily

Woodstock  1969  Drugs and Sex
Lots of sex and drugs

Editor:  So Kos,  over at his daily blog,  writes the above as if he is complaining.   All I can say is this:  he forgot to mention that many of these '60's types were commies or Maoists or,  at least,  free love communal freaks.  They were all dopers,  and they grew up to be the ruling class of today,  complete with their continuation of class envy,  their hatred for capitalism and a thing called “profit.” Anyone ever taken a look at the pictures of Woodstock ?  After all these years,  these communal freaks  continue to glorify Woodstock,  when,  in fact, it was all about sex, drugs and the so-called peace movement and nothing more.   They hated the government and are now in charge,  complaining about a new generation who holds the government in disdain.  

I went to school with these jerks. I have no idea what Kos' compliant is.   If the schools in Louisiana and Indiana did not make it clear that the generation that invented the sit-ins,  mass drug infested demonstrations,  Woodstock, and,  the trashing of  our soldiers returning from Viet Nam,  if those schools did not make it clear that these people are among the leaders of the Democrat Party,  well, they have not done their job.  

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