Why a national gun policy will not be as extreme as many fear.

USA/Today is reporting a huge growth in NRA membership: 
A quarter of a million people have signed up for new NRA memberships ahead of the White House Task Force's findings  

Despite being associated with Hitler and the Nazi's despite being called "baby killers"  and associated with uncaring violence against children,  NRA  membership continues to grow.  

More than this,  the NRA's recent suggestion  that on-campus personnel be given gun training and armed is being implemented across the nation.  Understand that - omitting gang shootings - only one mass shooting since 1950 has taken place in non "gun free zone."  The Aurora Colorado shooting took place in posted "no carry" theater.  Sandy Hook was the only posted "gun free" school out of seven other neighborhood schools in the area.  And,  none of the shootings were done by members of the NRA.  

I am an NRA member and have 18 grandchildren (seriously).  To argue that I do not care about their lives,  that my guns are more important than their safety,  is a hateful lie told by folks who are either insincere or stupid.  

Anyone remember the deep south of 80 years ago and how easily Democrat mobs could be stirred up,  leading to the hanging of one black man after another?  This is what is going on, now,  in this country.  Look,  when a president announces against guns as he stands in front of a host of children  (something he is going to do this morning),  he is attempting to stir up unreasonably felt emotions,  he is using the event of "emotional blackmail" to make his case. Governor Cuomo, signed into law a gun reform law that will solve absolutely nothing,  a signing that accompanied an emotional "lets go hang the culprits" type speech that challenges his claim to reasonable leadership.  

In the end,  the so-called "gun lobby" has too many voting members for this matter to get too far off track. 

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