The Major Media continues to run interference for the Obama Administration. Understand that a society cannot remain free if it is betrayed by its free press.

Here is the most disturbing aspect of the present day news cycle:  it does not include commentary and debate about the deficit or any issue that speaks poorly of Obama's leadership.   Did you know that we (Baby Boomers)  have already spent the tax revenues of our grandchildren,  and I mean that in the most literal sense possible?  While the Establishment GOP has contributed to this mess,  the fact of the matter is this:  that the bottom of the barrel is clearly in sight and the Socialist Democrat party refuses to cut spending at all.  They brag about having cut 1.5 trillion over the course of the next ten years,  but that includes the savings from a war in Iraq we abandoned a year ago (a fantasy savings of 800 billion)  and 700 billion taken out of Medicare and redirected into ObamaCare,  representing no net savings at all. 

There is nothing about entitlement reform because the Dems intend to use proposed cuts to demonize the GOP and win the next elections.  

There is nothing about the murders in Benghazi and the criminal cover-up accomplished by this Administration,  including H Obama and Hillary Clinton.  

The Middle East and North Africa are being inundated by the Muslim Militant community while Obama is selling them jet fighters and supporting the Muslim Brotherhood.  Obama played “the heavy hand” in destabilizing the Middle East and the Marxist American Media has chosen to close its eyes,  just as the press did in the days Stalin and Hitler were playing politics and taking over their respective countries.   

And no one goes within a yard stick in dealing with concerns regarding jobs and the lack thereof.  We are in the slowest jobs recovery in American history and no one on the Left cares.  

Remember,  it is the duty of the American Media to deflect attention away from all those failings that could cost the Socialist Party votes and approval.  With that in mind,   here are the week’s headlines in quick review. 

  • Biden is giddy about running for President in 2016.
  • Hillary was marvelous in her congressional hearings.
  • Armstrong lied to Ophra.
  • Peirs Morgan continues to bash conservatives and their Constitution.
  • Gun control proposals.
  • Holder,  the author of Fast and Furious  (wanna bet?) is going gun reform.
  • Hillary might have vertigo.
  • American Idol is charged with racism by the whining blacks on the Left.
  • Limits are set for driving stoned,  in Colorado.
  • Oregon may ban cigarette smoking unless prescribed by a doctor.
  • Russia to ban pro-gay ‘propaganda.’
  • UK headed for a third recession

Nothing about the 8.8 million Americans out of work and out of hope  -  they have quit the work force and no one at the DoL is counting them,  anymore.  It is as if these people do not exist. 

Nothing about jobs.  Nothing.  And the unemployment rate is 10.5% if we measure against all those who are out of work,  but we don’t do that anymore. Understand that if we counted all who are not working or are working part time,  the unemployment rate would be 14.5%,  and that is a Department of Labor stat.  No mention of this.  No wringing of the hands.  Sadly,  for some strange reason,  this failing was not an election year issue. 

The middle class is shrinking and Obama just raised their withholding tax by 40 to 150 dollars per month.  Heating fuel is costing the working poor 75 dollars a month more than in 2010. 

The middle class is shrinking and gas at the pump has risen by $1.80  -  from $1.86 per gallon when he took office to  $3.66, today,  here in California.   Nothing in the press about the sad effect this has on the middle class and the working poor.  Nothing from the press about the inflationary effect this has on everything we buy  . . . . . . .  everything.  

There is nothing about the $2,500 in additional health care costs since Obama and his demons crammed ObamaCare down our collective throat. 
Nothing about the fact that ObamaCare is now going to cost 4 times the original estimate  . . . . . from 1 trillion over the course of a decade to 4 trillion,  and most believe this will increase to 8 trillion by the end of the first ten years into the program.  

Like frogs in a pot of slow, boiling water,  we are being destroy by the macro-economists in this country and the shallow antics of a man who would be King.  

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