The 2016 presidential campaign begins with the Socialist Democrat's first detailed outline for its [character] assassination of Bobby Jindal.

<<<  Joe McCarthy was a drunk and an abusive type fellow,  a GOP Senator,  who went on an anti- Communist campaign back in the mid 1950's. He "indicted"  several of Hollywood's favorites.  Of course,  all of the self-righteous Left announced their hurt,  and pretended that none of McCarthy's charges were true.  The press came to their assistance and McCarthy was laughed out of town.  Admittedly,  he was a meat-ball,  but,  we now know that he was more right than we had ever feared.  Today,  under Obama and including Obama (both of them),  Maoists,  card carrying communists,  the anti-colonial Congressional Black Caucus,  the One Worlders,  Redistributionists  (a fancy word for "socialists") and the Palestinian sympathizer, run rampant throughout the present Administration.  They are everywhere,  kind of like roaches,  only far worse for the well-being of this once great country.   

Editor's notes:  Shortly after the November election failure of Mitt Romney,  Bobby Jindal indicated his interest in running for the High Office,  in 2016.  He was not taken seriously until his speech on Thursday night Jan 24  . . . . . . . one of the greatest conservative speeches since Ron Reagan.  

The simple minded utopians of the Radicalized Left,  recognized the problematic greatness of that speech,  and immediately went on the attack.  One aspect of Jindal's speech,  a "theme" if you will,  is that the GOP needs to stop being the party of "stupid."  The foreigners at Think Progress took that theme and turned it around,  branding Jindal as the GOP author of "stupid."  And,  in so doing,  they laid out their attack plan against Jindal.  The following list will be expanded upon and used as often as needs be,  in the coming year or two,  until Jindal's opportunity is trashed.  

Such tactics have often been used by the unscrupulous in both parties,  but since the righteous teaparty and their demand for integrity and transparency,  the GOP has had to abandon all such tactics.  Unfortunately,  these are the tactics of the ghetto minded community organizer,  whether that be H Obama or Van Jones or whoever  (the GOP has no such class of participants).  And under Obama,  the Angry Progressive Takers have perfected their political strategies. And,  their first line of attack is to posit a list of failings,  normally all lies,  enlist the Major Media in support,  and prosecute their victim(s) until dead,  politically.  

As with the 2012 elections,  this bunch of Marxist Misfits (Joe McCarthy was right,  all along),  they will do anything to avoid dealing,  straight up,  with the issues.  For example and besides the following list,  the Dems have decided to refuse any spending cuts or meaningful adjustments to Social Security and Medicare until after the midterms,  hoping to play the "GOP hates grandma and the poor" card.  Of course,  after the death of the GOP is finalized,  the Dems will have to make these cuts,  themselves,  but,  by then,  they are hoping it is too late and they have too big a majority,  to lose control of Central Government. 

1. He permits Louisiana schools to teach creationism. Thanks to Jindal’s educational voucher system in Louisiana, students will be attending private or parochial schools on the taxpayer’s dime. But those schools don’t necessarily meet the standards of the state’s public schools, and may teach students creationism instead of standard science curricula.
2. He allows state employees to be fired for being gay. During his first few months as governor, Jindal decided not to renew an anti-discrimination executive order protecting LGBT employees who work for the state. Jindal has also said that same sex marriage opens up a path for courts to overturn the Second Amendment.
3. He has signed bills to intimidate women seeking abortions. Jindal compared women who have gotten abortions to criminals. But that unpalatable sentiment also came with a policy change — he signed a bill that requires all abortion clinics to post intimidating messages in their waiting rooms, and establishes a website that points women to crisis pregnancy centers instead of abortion-providing facilities. Jindal also signed a measure creating a 24-hour waiting period between a woman’s mandatory ultrasound and the date of her abortion.
4. He seeks to dramatically cut taxes for the wealthy, increase taxes for everyone else. Jindal’s latest tax proposal would raise taxes for 80 percent of Louisianians. The poorest 20 percent — with an average income of $12,000 — would face substantial tax increase, while those in the top one percent would on average get a tax cut of $25,423.
5. He refuses to provide health care for Louisiana’s poorest. Louisiana has the third highest uninsured rate in the country. Twenty percent of residents lack insurance of any kind. But as one of the governors vehemently opposed to Obamacare, Jindal turned down the Medicaid expansion offered under the law, ignoring the fact that it would drastically lower the numbers of uninsured and ultimately save the state money on emergency care. 

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