Send Piers Morgan back to England for this statement:

<<<<    The Only Civilians Who ‘Need’ An AR-15 Are Those Who Want To Commit Mass Murder  --  Piers Morgan.  

Can you imagine a more incompetent statement than this.  This feckless piece of tripe just indicted more than half of this nation,  and did so without a flinch or an apologetic tone. Understand that this classless European foreigner knows nothing about guns or the reasons for owning guns  . . . . . nothing.  He is an “elitist” in that he is a “One Percenter” who lives a life of privilege  far from the threat of gun violence.  His home is safe and his life is safe,  as long as he can afford the armed guards the rest of us cannot. And these are the people who are driving this debate  . . . . . .  the elitist "one-percenters" within the Socialist,  One World,  Democrat Party.  

As to an AR – 15,  such a gun is little more than a glorified 22 long rifle.  A twenty-two rifle fires a shell that is designated “.22.”  The AR – 15 fires a shell just a cat hair larger,  designated “.223.”  An AK – 47,  often mentioned in the same breath with an AR – 15,  fires a .39 shell,  much larger and much more deadly.  

At any rate,  know that when you hear someone say,  “Why do you need to fire 15 or 20 rounds at a deer,”  you are talking to an elitist who lives in a safe neighborhood and has no day-by-day fear or concern for his/her life.  These people do not know that bad people roam the streets of this country with weapons that are semi-automatic and fire 30 rounds in a flash and the local police are so busy and understaffed,  that they cannot keep all of the citizenry,  safe.  

Most folks know why most folks buy guns.  Most folks understand that the need to defend one's self is a paramount right.  And 80 million gun owners in this country,  will vote,  this coming 2014  . . . . .  you can bet on that.  

Understand,  that radicalized Progressives are greatly out numbered and the gun issue is not a winner for the 20 Democrat Senators up for re-election,  in two years.  

As to Piers Morgan,  my recommendation is this:  stop watching his CNN program.  He is already at the bottom of the ladder,  in terms of viewership.  Lets make him so unpopular,  that he has no choice but to tuck tail and run home to his socialist kingdom.  

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