Press Conference Notes: Now that he cannot be re-elected, or so its seems, some in the press [finally] see the opportunity to hold Obama accountable.

<<<< Chuck Todd MSNBC (closes to the camara on the right)  and Major Garret , CBS News (fourth from the Left on the front row),  grilled Obama on the debt crisis and his illogical positions on the matter,  for some 10/15 minutes.  This was the most combative presser since 2008.  

 1.  Obama ignores the fact that he and his treasury department decides which bills will be paid in the event of a "government shutdown."  In his press conference,  under way as I write,  he argues that a refusal to raise the debt ceiling in a timely fashion,  he calls this “default,”  will cause SS checks to be stalled,  checks to wounded vets to be delayed,  and lenders to look to down grading our credit rating,  again. 

Like I said,  all of what he cautions,  will be as a result of the decisions he makes.  The House passes budgets  (unfortunately the Senate no longer sees this as something they must do) but Obama spends the money.  By that I mean to say that he can take funds allocated to  one aspect of the budget and spend it on any other budgetary demand.  Congress cannot prevent Obama from “robbing Peter to pay Paul.”  It can only allocate the funds  -  it cannot present the misuse of those funds.  That is a function of the Treasury Department  . . . . . Obama’s Treasury Department. 

2.  He mentions more than a trillion dollars in spending cuts,  “already made.”  Smoke and mirrors.   He counts money spent on the Iraqi War in these “spending cuts,”  a war that ended more than a year ago.  He, also,  counts 700 billion in cuts to Medicare without mentioning the fact that this money was only transferred to ObamaCare with no “net savings” accomplished. 

3.  He was asked about his vote against raising the debt ceiling in 2006.  He had no answer for that bit of hypocrisy.  You should know that in 2006,  every congressional Democrat wanted to tie a discussion on spending to raising the debt ceiling, that they all voted against raising the debt ceiling. 
He had no answers for why that was a righteous action for the Democrats back then,  but is an abomination,  today. 

Updated Note: Obama actually objected to raising the debt ceiling in the context of spending reform,  some 4 times as Senator from Illinois.  

4.  There was a couple of questions as to his feelings on "gun control."  Registration,  high capacity clips,  and some sort of universal registration,  seem to be in the works  . . . . . .  part  of the law in California,  for years.  In other words,  nothing noteworthy will be accomplished.  If you to end gun violence in America,  arrest all "gangbangers"  and put them in prison for decades,  if not for life.  90% of all gun violence in this country,  is the fault of the Ignorants in our nation's gangs  . . . . .  and who protects their rights?  Progressive Libs,  that's who !!! 

No one asked the question as to the fact that his Administration has missed more budget deadlines than any Administration in history.  You cannot get more irresponsible than that,  yet,  the takers of this world do not care.    

No one asked,  "When will you agree to have the debate over spending?"   Understand that without "leverage,"  the GOP will never be able to win the "spending debate."  What is considered "leverage" to a Republican,  will always be framed as "Republican's holding the American people 'hostage.' "  In so doing,  nothing will ever be accomplished  . . . . . .  unless and until the GOP has the courage to act responsibly.

Apparently,  nothing Democrats say,  in the past,  has relevance in the current economy.  Take Obama's opposition to raising the debt ceiling,  for example:  

The fact that we are here today to debate America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure.  It is a sign that the US government cannot pay its own bills.  It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. . . . . Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally.  Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’  Instead,  Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren.  America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership.  Americans deserve better.  --  Senator Obama,  March 16, 2006.

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