Ed "I don't need no stinking college degrees" Shultz of MSNBC tried to get people to believe that no private citizen has ever stopped a mass shooting. See the video/audio for refutation

Shultz played a little college football but failed to graduate with any kind of a degree.  He earns 10 million per year making up stuff on MSNBC,  and is worth around 47 million.  He is a anti-America  if denying the Constitution,  hating our colonial history and supporting  Obama’s new flag over the sanctioned flag of the US,  you know,  the flag our soldiers die to protect,   means anything. 


  1. Your biggest spokesmen Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh were college drop outs and drug addicts.

  2. Smithson LIES AGAIN. Schutz received A Masters of Arts in Political Science B.A History from Minnesota State University Moorhead.

    Smithson has NO credibility - PANTS ON FIRE you SOB liar.
