Which is it, folks? Are we taxing millionaires and billionaires or those married and making $125,000 ???

Understand what is actually been pushed forward by Barack Hussein:  the limitation on his tax demand is this, “$200,000” for an individual and $125,000 for each member of a couple reporting via a joint return. 
Obama talks about taxing the uber rich,  the “millionaires and billionaires” while planning on taxing those who make $125,000 before taxes. 
And you all believe what he says !!!  If this is not an attack on the middle class,  there is no middle class.

Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, December 30, 2012, 10:39 AM
Economist Peter Morici had this to say this morning about Obama’s fiscal cliff negotiating tactics:

“The president, by being so persistent that it’s my way or the highway, no spending cuts, taxes on folks over $250,000 or nothing, has basically put a pistol to the head of the middle class. It’s threatened them with financial extortion if he doesn’t get his way to satisfy the populist wing of the Democratic Party.”

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