Timeline: What we know about the truth and the "Libyan Cover-up."

<<<  Ambassador Stevens may have been pronounced dead,  at a Libyan hospital,  but he is dead,  in this picture and is being propped up for pictures being taken by a victorious al Qaeda command. 

Patrick Kennedy, briefed the White House as to the Libyan massacre, the day after the embassy murders  (September 12),  at which time,  he [Kennedy]  made it clear that the attack was organized by those associated with alQaeda.  Kennedy is the current Under Secretary of State to Hillary Clinton,  a man coming out of the Bill Clinton Administration,  and one of the most respected civil servants on the Hill.  

In short,  the Administration knew,  full well,  what happened and why,  within 24 hours of the incident. 

Three days later (Friday), after the Kennedy briefing,  the Administration issued a statement detailing a strategy of silence on the matter,  “until the FBI investigation” was completed. We were all told that  Administration representatives would no longer take or answer questions concerning the Libyan incident.  

On the following Sunday,  the Administration sent out one lone spokesman,  Susan Rice,  our United Nations ambassador,  to meet with all five of the major Sunday news programs,  in which she asserted that the deaths were at the hands of a flash mob angry about a 15 minute anti-Islam film.  She made it clear, specifically,  that this tragedy was "not a terrorist event." 

There is no one who can honestly claim that Rice went out,  on Sunday,  of her own volition.  Rather,  she  was sent out by the Administration.  As it turns out,  this - Rice's appearance on the several Sunday news shows - was a clumsy effort to cover-up the facts of the massacre in the hope that the public would never know what the Administration had been  told,  five days earlier.  In fact, the Rice account was allowed to stand [by the Administration]  for another three days,  before the Obama campaign finally admitted that the film and the supposed “flash mob” had nothing to do with the sad event. Shockingly,  a night time video has surfaced,  taken in front of the Embassy just minutes before the orchestrated assault on the consulate began.  In this video,  there is no mob at all,  only a gathering of men with rifles and shoulder rockets,  preparing to enter the compound.   

In the ensuing weeks since the embassy murders,  we have learned that the  U.S. embassy had come under rocket attack twice, before that final attack.   More than this,  we know that Ambassador Stevens had specifically asked for an increased security presence, 36 days before the fatal attack,  and was flatly turned down by the State Department.  Not only was his request rejected,  security forces were pulled out of Libya,  in an idiot’s effort to portray the Libyan situation as the developing “crown jewel” of the Obama administration’s Middle East policy. 

Of course,  since the attack on 9/11,  the entire Muslim world has blown up in Obama’s face,  a sad testimony to his abject failure as a leader on the world’s stage.  

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