The first debate was worse for Obama than many originally thought. We offer the reader an overview of the "bad" news.

<<<<   The New Yorker's opinion as to the winner of the first debate.  With this picture,  Clint Eastwood's RNC "empty chair" depiction of Obama is included and vindicated by The New Yorker.  


Romney 330 to Obama 208 - electoral vote -  per Colorado University professors.  A candidate needs 270 electoral votes to win election as president of the United States.   This survey has accurately predicted the presidential elections since 1980.


52-46 Romney in a Politico/Battleground poll measuring those who are extremely likely to vote.

Only 73 percent who support Obama say they are “extremely likely” to vote, compared to 86 percent who back Romney. Likewise, 84 percent of Republicans say they are extremely likely to vote, compared to 76 percent of Democrats.

Obama,  himself,  acknowledged  a debate loss in going to Hollywood and apologizing to his supporters, there.  He did this during the recent weekend and used the weekend to attend three fundraisers. 6,000 attended the first at $250 per person;  150 attended the second at $25.000 a pop;  the third was wholly private - no press.   


Gallup gives Romney a 5 point bump bringing him into a tie with Obama,  up from a 50/45 deficit just before the debate.  


Rasmussen gives Romney a four point bounce,  moving Romney from 2 points down to 2 points up on Obama.  


All after-debate reviews gave Romney the most one sided debate victory since 1992  (per a Fox News report).  Gallup showed a startling 72% of folks interviewed,  believe that Romney did,  indeed,  win the debate "going away."  


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